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I know there is an editing error at 11:50 – 12:45. The top bar says Rotations instead of Talents. Just a small error, the info is still all very correct!
Thanks to Archimtiros, Ryzoh and Max for helping me compile and research!
Keep in mind everything is very subject to change.
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Video Contents:
00:00 – Intro
00:19 – Covenants
01:15 – Soulbindings
02:31 – Conduits
0:5:40 – Legendaries
09:00 – Talents
12:47 – Rotations
21:01 – Stat Priority
21:46 Enchants & Consumables
I am deeply saddened that Exploiter is not great, was really fun in legion 🙁
What do you use to track deep wounds duration on the target?
Deadly calm and signet works together?
This guide is garbage
Ive watched furry, prot, now arms And still cant decide what spec i wana use 😭😭😭
Hi, thanks for the guide, it was really insightful but I still have a few open questions:
1. Does Mortal Combo synergise with Sweeping Strikes (proc rate)?
2. If I'm using the Unhinged legendary is the Mortal Combo conduit a must have?
3. If I'm using the Unhinged legendary do I use Bladestorm together with Sweeping Strikes?
Just picked up Arms as an alt, what a fun spec.
Anyone else a Pandaren Warrior? Coolest animations in the game IMO
Great one!! Still rocking with warrior! Thank you!
I really like the way you explain Things and your Voice is pretty enjoyable to listen to. Thank you for the Guide!
whats nameplate use?
Great vid! Had a question:
If using Unhinged legendary, would you still not want to use Sweeping Strikes before Bladestorm? Does the MS effect not sweep?
What are these "deboons" he keeps talking about ? I actually dont know. Can someone help me out ?
Extremely good job on the video Corejo! Thanks for all the good information!
this was pretty good vid mate !
I switched from fury to arms and man i deal more dps
so should i wait for signant or craft arbiter until my guild downs stone generals?
Such a great guide! Really help me out learning arms. Keep up the great content!
Dude thank you for this vid im pretty new to wow and im playing warrior, this really helps ty 🙂
Awesome video man got my sub going to show some friends keep it up:) also do you have a twitch?
Please make a PVP Arms Warrior guide like this! Very curious how Covenants stack up against each other in this regard.
Great video!
Although I did make the mistake of watching how many times you throw your hand out lol
He doesn't say anything about the rotation. All I hear is if you have this talent and this legendary and this amount of XYZ when there is 3 less seconds of overpower calm… words… more words… if you are talented… proc… Covenant… window.
Are you playing a character in this video?
What add-ons is he using for the unit frames?
pls, make russian subtitles. Ty
Thanks fam, really nice guide
you need to articulate better
Thank you for the video, what add ons are you using please?
I think the rotation party was super messy
I'm not surprised that I went with the worst out of all of them when it first was released, of course I would choose the worst over any lol. There could be 100+ covenants, and I would still choose the worst one smh. For arms warrior
Signet no longer has a internal cooldown. (ICD)
Sharpening Stones + STR potions outscale Oil + Phantom fire around 200ish ilvl. Use STR pot in Execute.
Deadly Calm starts to lose to Avatar at higher ilevels, even without Signet.
Skullsplitter as well starts to outscale Sudden Death at higher ilvls.
Would you say Arma is still king between it and fury for raiding/M+?
I'm a new player and want to play warrior, but was told not to because of it's current state?
Thanks for this video. It helps alot
awsome guide, just subbed, i do both contents, and i moved to kyrian, u think critical still the best stat on pve? and i should use rend right?
Good video
Why does Ravager helps proc-ing signet?
I am new to retail mostly played classic and wotlk recently started playing I have 60 warrior and this guide hurts my brain just watching it. SO MUCH INFORMATION I have no idea where to start from 😀
What % would you say is optimal for Critical Strike? I have mostly gear that is crit and haste with 20% haste already and 28% CS. I hear there are diminishing returns but all the guides never outline how much CS vs Mastery you should have after getting 20% haste. Thoughts? I'm Venthyr Arms running Signet of TK legendary.
Necrolord getting buffed in 9.0.5 its gonna be fucking amazing for arma and especially for fury
Everywhere else says that for arms haste is at the bottom of the food least until later on in the expansion
You deserve way more subs ! soon as I came back ! i check your guides love your ui ! is it still up for share ? on your discord like back from legion? please
Is the UI you had in legion for ARMS , was simple and clean? would you have a template by any chance please 🙁