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Hi everyone! In today’s video I will go through all the items that are specific and exclusive to the MoP Remix event and that most likely will become unobtainable at the end of the event! Make sure to get the ones you like before then!
Weapon Transmogs Exclusive to MoP Remix – Farming Guide and Zone Drops:
00:00 – Intro
01:08 – 1) Mounts
02:49 – 2) Cosmetics & Transmogs
02:57 – Trading Post Recolors (Class Ensembles & Arsenals)
04:59 – Cosmetic Sets
06:08 – Garrosh Heirlooms
07:21 – Exclusive MoP Remix Weapon Transmogs
08:55 – Achievement Rewards
09:21 – 3) Toys
10:04 – 4) Pets
10:39 – 5) Achievements & Titles
11:42 – Items Easier To Get During MoP Remix
13:13 – Conclusions
what weapon is that
Are the mythic sets getting removed? or are they keeping mythic as an option for MoP raids after the remix ends?
I focused on all the mounts first and am now grabbing all the class armor/weapons. Thinking of doing the toys next. Some of the mogs are ones I feel like I'd never use. Those I'll grab last if I have bronze to burn.
You're like two weeks very late covering these items, as they were all posted on wowhead at the time of opening of the event… Not a very informative video…
Hi @thraun gaming, i bought tusks of mannaroth on my monk but I cant achieve it in my cosmetic tab cause it says its plate armor
What about the toys. Will they be available after the event ?
“So verry easy” that you dont have it ? 😢 😅😂 oppsi
which one is that on your back. how do you get it?
I'm sitting at 600k bronze only a million to go then I will unlock everything at once 😁
Awsome, I already got it. Now I dont have to play remix no more. What I like the best is my mages mog set, so awsome with the robe I bought in quel of danas ages ago. 😁🤙
I focused on the achievement items
Class apparel
I can farm the sets in retail after the new Tmogs change in War with in.
Great video thanks!
Thank you~ very detailed and well thought out! I also picked up Gastropod toy for 50k bronze (rare drop in Retail but avail from vendor in Remix) and Mini mana pod toy (Horde only) with a counterpart Tabard (Alliance only) at exactly level 35 ~ available in Retail but more annoying to get. The vendor Horos? sells both if you have the achievement. There are a couple of other toys that are easier to get while Pandaria is busy but not impossible so I’ll stop now 🙂
Just a reminder:transmog drops in raids etc, so don’t buy it all until you know what you are missing?
/sill jealous of the tier 3 displayed in the intro.
There's also the Pre-Patch Toy you can get from Theramore's Fall.
operation ,,shitwall" nice
Unless I missed it, if you defeat Garrosh on Mythic difficulty you get a hidden achievement and title "Paragon of the Mists" which will probably be going away after Remix
Is your polearm available to get?
I collected all the mounts and cosmetic sets. I’m now finished playing remix, I got burnt out and tired of pandaria. Do I regret grinding for all the mounts, absolutely not
So I'm looking at the class apparel vendor and he only has two things for sale, Im not seeing all the stuff that you do. Do I have to complete the achievements first?