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Key tips and things to do first in 9.1.5 to save time! Also dicussing the WoW Community Council and Ion’s statements on the future of Shadowlands in a recent interview. This show includes discussion of the WoW news of the week and answering questions. If you have any questions that you’d like answered in a Saturday News, include the word ‘question’ and leave them as comments!
Ion’s VentureBeat Interview:
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0:00 – Buy This Item Before Archivist Rep Farming
1:20 – Buy the Renown Catchup Before Leveling to 60 in Threads
2:12 – Covenant Catchup Tips
3:33 – Account Wide Anima Transfers
4:08 – Ion’s Venturebeat Interview
5:24 – WoW Community Council
7:45 – my life this week
8:33 – Does Renown Reset When Switching?
yo your style is SLAMMIN today!!
I love your top, it’s so cute!

Excellent rundown
Thanks so much for the guidance I was really trying to figure out what was the best thing to start with
I imagine, lorewise, a quest chain to school everyone into interfactions relationships if we get inter faction content, like:
– “Now that we have to work with the opposite faction, you have to communicate with them, so you start with the new planet wide Azerothian language classes”, so now your character speaks his race language, the faction language, and the new azerothian understandable to everyone.
-A customs and politeness class like “no gnomes, you can take undeads to interchange body parts for robotic limbs, theyre not mechagnomes”, “No orc hero, even when the alliance now formally aloud you to enter stormwind, you cant go to the king and challenge him to a Mak’gora”.
You get the idea.
Disagree with this "caught up in no time" thing with renown. I got to 70 pretty painfully slow, and after that I ran 5 comp stomp and 3 heroics, nothing from those at all. Next day, ran 3 comp stomp, got 3 renown. Ran 3 more, got nothing. Torghast has never given me any. It seems like a colossal waste of time when they could have included the specifics of how and when you get renown and when you don't. Is there a daily limit? Diminishing returns? There is nothing to go on. I'm not keen on wasting time like this. The implementation was really poor.
do meatball follows to new cov or i have to add meatball again in torghast? nice so nu can change to NF and go up to 80 and change to ventyr to lvl up 80
Bro….. I just reached level 6 with the archivist codex yesterday and purchased the item that increases rep by 50%, now that rep is a joke, i killed almost all rares and looted like 3 rift caches and BOOM, 2700 rep in one shot. Did the same with an alt and I got 2500 rep, now I can be sure I will get the last mount I need from Korthia lmao
Sooon yah I messed up. My main was vent and was 75ish renow… yah I didnt understand the assignment and swapped to kirians when the patch dropped…rip
bigger pro tip: use your army of alts to join all 4 covs, use the renown boost to get 4k anime and then sent that anime to your main
got 48k anime doing that and blew it all immediately switching main covs
Is the WoW team ever going to fix the Druid Mount form problem? If you do not know what it is, half the time when you go Mount form in the Maw you run really slow to move at normal speed you have to switch in and out of form until it runs at the proper speed.
The only WoW content creator that doesn't spew negativity on me 100% of the time. The only one worth watching when I want to get news about the game
You've been around for awhile, how much gold have you accumulated?
For Adventure focused players who change covenant. Beware! You lose your adventurers progress in process. Like when you put your adventurers to do missions and change covenant… They are not compliting em while you are in other covenant… and that's pretty sad and bad in this system.
I am sick to death of them giving meaningless interviews. There is no promise Blizzard can make that we can trust they will keep. It's always lip service flavored bullshit.
Totally unrelated, but your hair is super cute with the curly/waviness!
OMG CATS! Yes! Cat expansion pls
I laughed so much at the cats part 
Hey Hazel, quick guestion: If I’m renown 80 and I’ve collected all the renown mounts and I switch covenants and grind again to 80, do the mounts from the previous covenant stay as a number on my total mount count even if I can’t use them?
Yay for the Cats!!
In Threads of Fate the bonus objects gives 1 renown each and the "Aid the <covenant>" quests gives 2 renown each. Have a lvl 54 toon which is has done all the bonus objects in all zones and handed in 1 of the "Aid the <covenant>" quests and it is renown 59 already.
I can't imagine volunteering to be relentlessly harassed by the WoW community. The community council are going to need secret service protection.
Will buy Relic Examination Techniques! Thank you!
Hi Hazel! Do you by any chance know if I switching through all covenants with my main, will award my main the achievement points I've already collected on alts in those other covenants? Regards!
Your materials have made me unfortunatelly think about returning to the game
Not sure if it's a bug, but I got a few renown levels (like 3) before applying the Renown catchup book. I ended up at renown 43, not 40. So the book might just add 40 levels up to a certain point. Haven't tried it on another alt yet though
The game is dead
why would u say there‘s so much for u to do in 9.1.5 when there‘s literally nothing to do and every streamers plays classic only? stop promoting bad content
I love the cat mount. Now they need to make a corgi mount. Seriously, its long overdue.
This hairstyle looks kinda like Miss Frizzle's. It's cute.
Question. If we jump to renown 40 can we still get renown by doing the covenant campaign or will it count as completed? Dumb question?
6:40 This is SOOO good!
Omg Baron Boy is a thing!
9.1.5 hype <3
Hazel's smile is so contagious. Can't help feeling happy watching her videos!
Why would you want to switch covenants?
if you got renowed 80 on a hored character does it work between hored and alliance
Blizzard must add Safepoints in the rating system in pvp. Its not fun vs gladiators at 1800-1900 they boost. The groupfinder takes to long time to form a group 1 win or 1 lose they leave then you back to searching
7:20 big same
I hope most of the new council mention how limited the Shaman Ghost forms considering we are in the afterlife….. Give me more forms!
Am I the only one who enjoys seeing your cat in the video you make?
I signed up for the Council. If I get chosen, I will scream to the heavens that we desperately need more Account Wide content.
Reputations, Currencies, and progress skips are important people with lots of Alts.
Many of us just don't have time to re-do content while simultaneously working full time jobs and taking care of kids and such.
Hazel is crazy cat lady goals
Fuck cross faction raiding. I don't wanna raid with any whordies
Hazel i have a stray cat that looks Exactly like your, but its a female. We have been taken care of it for 6 months and shes a out door cat and we dont want her going out cause its coooold. Would you like to adopt her hmm. We have 3 males already and 2 have to be kept seperated cause they will literally sink their teeth in the 3rd and try to kill it. Long story but we keep all 4 now seperate its crazy.
Hello, is there any news of adding Nvidia's DLSS to the wow engine? Thank you:)