Getting Started with Gold Making | World of Warcraft Retail

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1 thought on “Getting Started with Gold Making | World of Warcraft Retail”

  1. Man, where to start. I think the main thing to state is gold is a product of TIME and EFFORT. Transmog is little effort to get but takes a looong time to sell. Professions take some effort to get going, research etc, but sell in less time. A good balance would be farming mats ores/herbs/skins. A bit of effort and free. The time component is in the profit you make. It might take a while to make a lot of money depending on how long you farm for (more time) and how much you sell for. The best place to start, I would say is look at what is selling. Go to the AH, look at the various categories and dive in. See that some enchant is selling for 45g and go make/sell that (or what ever your professions lend themselves to). Remember PROFIT = TIME x EFFORT


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