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This video goes over 5 different items/markets that will be very good in 9.2. Some of these items you can craft now and start stockpiling, while others you can stock up on the materials in preparation for 9.2. This is a great time to unlock some of these recipes with the down time we have! Thanks for watching!
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0:00 Intro
1:50 Item #1
4:30 Item #2
7:17 Item #3
9:50 Item #4
14:41 Item #5
16:47 Outro
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#shadowlands #goldmaking #guide
Nice video! Lucky me I already up for prepping for legendaries anyway 😛 Useful vid!
Any speculation on the drop rate of the new legendary crafting reagent
What is that recommendation for custom price milling ?
Feels like my server (start of shadowlands full) is almost dead? I am in several markets all over herbalism, mining, leather working from old expansions and current but sells are comming very rarely. I dont want to go into legendary crafting cause the materials are kinda rare and expensive at this point… hopefully 9.2 brings back people.
Thanks for your constant content and sorry for my bad english it is not my main language. Cheers
Thanks for the tips! Where do you get the graphs that show prices over the past few months from?
Transmog: Antorus has a very cool leather hat. It's part of the rogue set but every leather can get 1 item that works for everyone. lfr, normal, heroic and mythic all have different color so find the one that works for you.
Monk I like the siege of orgrimmar set aswell.
I am selling Missives for 1k on avg.. been making a killing..
How do you see average price on an item in TSM? 🙂
Great video. I've been stocking up on missive's!
Bloodfang Armor (Recolor) – Won't take to long to get, looks epic and makes your eyes red
Do we have a date for 9.2 ? i cant find one online
Thanks for this video! I recently took up inscription on my new alt. Can you explain how to figure out the correct prices for milling herbs in TSM. I am a bit confused on how to find it.
I’m on Draenor-EU. Nightmare trying to make gold and everyone and their dog is constantly cancel scanning. So annoying. Would recommend joining discord.