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Here is my quick and to the point UPDATED frost 2h pvp guide! All the information is gathered after qing to rank 9 on the ladder in 3v3! ENJOY!
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good job pushing that rank love your vids
Let me know if this helps you guys at all!
struggling ALOT against double casters, specially boomkin/spriest jesus christ i just cant beat em unless they are potatoes
Is unholy good for pushing gladiator?
Why are you not using Death Chill? I find it pretty usefull vs War, Cat, Monk
Hey thanks for the guide! Just one thing: what conduits do you recomend/did you use to climb?
Thanks for the video !
Could you explain why to use blinding sleet into frostwyrm stun, instead of directly using frostwyrm stun?
Nice guide!
what would you say are some good 2s comps? mostly played 3s with TSG and wwdk but wanna get in some 2s aswell
Hey thanks for the updated vid, what’s a good 2v2 comp for somebody pretty new? Just any healer?
You forgot to mention poppin Empower Rune Wpn same time as Pillars
Hi! Its really hard for me to win 2s as a unholy dk. Whats my win condition? Im really confused this season. Nice vid btw
Hey man love this guide, very helpful. I was wondering if we could get a video about covenants and conduits. What ones are good for what etc. Thanks
I read the DK forum, and most dk players there are complaining how frost has no dmg outside pilllar and has bad defensives in a burst meta, and only represents 4% among the top 1000 players on the leaderboard?!
Great guide. Just in time for me cause I was going to start plahimg my frost dk more. What about a video on tips on surviving? Ok im not max yet and I do a lot of bgs but there times im getting busted down and do not know what to do to try to survive. Thanks.
Roger Dodger 5'9 , would you show soulbind / conduits next time, im sure lot of people would be interested in that aswell.
Have a good one!
Apart from this guide, would you have advise for the Great Vault? Would it be wise to set loot to Frost (to also get 1H chance) to increase chances on weapon drops from the vault? Or just keep unholy to just get 2H? Theres a very small chance to get 2H from Vault, so doubling that chance with 1H, might be considered, no? Even if its just for a few weeks. Im still using 184 2H, but could upgrade anything to 226 soon (2050 RBG rating).
Also what Runeforges would I put on which hand?
I am curious to you opinion. Thanks!