Shadowlands Delayed – Why Now?

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It actually happened but many wondering why now? why so close. Well there is a lot wrong with Shadowlands but this is what I think set the alarm ringing loudly.
Covenant Changes
Rep Buff Returned


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38 thoughts on “Shadowlands Delayed – Why Now?”

  1. I also feel that people are sick to death with BFA, I understand where you are coming from but you have had nice shiny content to play whilst the vast majority have had absolutely nothing in a very long time. This is of course not your fault but it has certainly created a lot of excitement for SL just to have it dashed away.

  2. You CANNOT even return it. Blizzard just refuses to give you your money back if played. I tried with BfA, because I could just tell already after a single level, that I hated it. But because it was added to the account and played, I couldn't return it.

  3. content creators helped cause this issue… how many times can you honestly say you found a bug and didnt report it cause you werre streaming? as did thousands….. fucking blizzard need to think next time and instead of licking your arses cuase you have viewers, give someone who has played for over 15 years now beta or god forbid alpha access as they may know a thing or two about the game? Your account has a black mark yet you still get access… says it all.

  4. Is it just me or was i the only one that saw this coming a mile away, nothing worse than coming for a semi bad expansion that had its moments that were very few and far between, to another that is broken nothing Balanced in terms of gameplay. how did no one that took vacation not see this coming, one other thing not to be the dick but if this was two weeks prior i would agree but it isn't so ya kind of got what ya deserve for counting chicken's be for they hatched.

  5. What I don't understand why you sound like a blizzard apologist. SL is delayed….players are pissed…but they will put up with it anyway. everything you are saying sounds like "Please don't unsubscribe from wow because I want your money", which is a tagline that even blizzard is not putting out.

    Nobody needs a justification for this.

  6. My theory to why Blizzard is delaying NOW.

    I believe Blizzard already knew that they cannot launch the date so soon, It might even have been a 2021 launch, but their sub numbers were dwindling rapidly, they needed people to come back, so they put an arbitrary date like 27th October. And with their track record of pre-patch launch dates, they expected more people come back maybe at the beginning of October.

    So when people started resubbing over the last 2 months, they managed to get the sub numbers back up. Most folks would've resubbed for 6 months and not just 1 or 3 months.
    Thus, now that they have managed to get their numbers up, they decided to stop and delay the launch, so they can actually spend more time on the game.

    It's all just numbers for them.

  7. And what you didnt address is the fact that some of us might want refunds but no ones getting those refunds like myself because when we pre ordered shadowlands if we used the level boost or the game time THAT TICKS the moment you get the pre purchase in. Now with said yes this decision isn't wrong but you need to understand the people who booked their time off in advance and now they cant take it back so what about them?

  8. Covenant abilities: mobility only. Delete pvp talents, gone, bye. add a few more normal talents (every 5 levels or something) There you go. Stop trying to make things fun and interesting and complicated, it just creates more problems.

  9. problem is that only high end guilde get access to beta and not all. Guilde are only up to get experience for raids and nor report bugs. blizz fucked up as usual that hey give access to all top guilds and not regular players

  10. Bobbie Kotick needs another billion for his real estate empire. But he's cut his staff salaries to the bone. So everyone stop what you are doing and go back to Beta to help them outsource their work.
    I'm amazed how Blizzard is continuing to shovel shit to willing mouths. The comments from Blizz fanbois in here is so cringe.

  11. I don't love Blizzard anymore. Warcraft is a boring grind of a game and Shadowlands is more of the same. After many years of playing this game, I'm done. It's not fun and there's no joy in playing.

  12. I got halfway through loading the game and played the new SL starter area. Then i realized why i left in the first place. Too grindy. No life in towns. Nobody talks at all unless they want to sell you something at wich point they will spam it every 5 seconds in trade which i have not used since cata. My class, mage, is locked out of higher keys cos arcane is shit at dps in situations where there is something forcing you to move every second. Billions of herb stealing druids in packs of ten wiping all herbs. This is the only post i am going to make on why i will once again not play this game any more. I have loremaster of all xpacs. I am the loremaster. All quests in th egame as of BFA. All. I have played the game. But late in Bfa with the multi boxing herb stealers i had enough. Dont care anymore. They cater to tose with 10 accounts. Cool. They can keep em while they lose ten times as much in single accounts that refuse to be cashcows and subjects of the RNG skinner box. I am done with this comment and done with the game. Anybody want to buy my account? Contact me. Loremaster, multiple max characters, some rare mounts, decent amount of gold, 12k achieve i think it was.


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