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Concepts: Dragonflight pvp Warrior talent,Arms Warrior PVP Guide 10.0.5 DRAGONFLIGHT,Ultimate Arms Warrior PVP Guide 10.0.5 DRAGONFLIGHT,Arms Warrior PVP Guide,WOW DRAGONFLIGHT ARMS WARRIOR TALENT,BIG ARMS ENERGY – Arms Warrior Solo Shuffle,TOP PVP SPECS WOW DRAGONFLIGHT,Throwing Rounds Are My Specialty – Arms Warrior Solo Shuffle PVP DRAGONFLIGHT,Pvp specs Dragonflight,dragonflight 10.0.5 arms warrior,Arms Warrior Solo Shuffle PVP DRAGONFLIGHT 10.0.5,Arms Warrior Solo Shuffle PVP,fire mage,assassination rogue,mistweaver monk,holy paladin,disc priest,demon hunter,shadow priest,arms warrior,windwalker monk,resto druid,resto shaman,unholy death knight,ele shaman,survival hunter,feral druid,ret paladin,balance druid,frost death knight,arcane mage,affliction warlock,beast mastery hunter,demonology warlock,enh shaman,frost mage,fury warrior,holy priest,outlaw rogue,marksmanship hunter,subtlety rogue,wow best class,wow best pvp class,world of warcraft,wow,shadowlands,wow guide,wow pvp,wow shadowlands,asmongold,wow arena,arena pvp,wow 3v3 arena,wow 2v2 arena,wow pvp guide,SOLO SHUFFLE TIER LIST 10.0.7 DRAGONFLIGHT,FINAL SOLO SHUFFLE TIER LIST PVP 10.0.7 DRAGONFLIGHT,Solo Shuffle Tier List PvP,Solo Shuffle Tier List,10.0.7 DRAGONFLIGHT UPDATE,dragonflight tier list melee,dragonflight tier list ranged,DRAGONFLIGHT CONTENT UPDATE,Retribution Paladin Rework,Dragonflight pvp tier list main,Dragonflight pvp tier list spec,Dragonflight tier list pvp class,BIG PATCH for 10.0.7 DRAGONFLIGHT – PVP BUFFS AND NERFS OVERVIEW,dragonflight 10.0.7,solo queue,Dragonflight pvp Warrior talent,Arms Warrior PVP Guide 10.0.5 DRAGONFLIGHT,Wow dragonflight talent preview,Ultimate Arms Warrior PVP Guide 10.0.5 DRAGONFLIGHT,WoW DF Pvp Changes,Wow DF PVP gameplay,Arms Warrior PVP Guide,WOW DRAGONFLIGHT ARMS WARRIOR TALENT,170K Mortal Strike – Arms Warrior Solo Shuffle PVP DRAGONFLIGHT,TOP PVP SPECS WOW DRAGONFLIGHT,TOP 6 Best Specs To Main In 10.0.5 Dragonflight PVP,Pvp specs 10.0.5 Dragonflight,dragonflight 10.0.5 arms warrior,9.2.5 elem shaman pvp montage,Dragonflight pvp Warrior talent,Arms Warrior PVP Guide 10.0.5 DRAGONFLIGHT,Wow dragonflight talent preview,Ultimate Arms Warrior PVP Guide 10.0.5 DRAGONFLIGHT,Arms Warrior PVP Guide,WOW DRAGONFLIGHT ARMS WARRIOR TALENT,BIG ARMS ENERGY – Arms Warrior Solo Shuffle PVP DRAGONFLIGHT,TOP PVP SPECS WOW DRAGONFLIGHT,TOP 6 Best Specs To Main In 10.0.5 Dragonflight PVP,Pvp specs 10.0.5 Dragonflight,dragonflight 10.0.5 arms warrior,Arms Warrior Solo Shuffle PVP DRAGONFLIGHT 10.0.5,9.2 dps predictions,9.2 pvp,rogue 9.2,9.2 ptr,9.2.5 Arms warrior pvp fury arena,Wow Dragonflight Pvp Wishlist,Wow Dragonflight Pvp Wishlist,Wow Dragonflight Pvp Wishlist,Dragonflight pvp Warrior talent,Dragonflight pvp Warrior talent preview,Wow dragonflight talent preview,Wow dragonflight talent,Wow dragonflight talent reactions,wow dragonflight pvp changes,wow dragonflight beta,wow dragonflight,WoW DF Pvp Changes,WoW DF WISHLIST,Dragonflight pvp reaction,Wow DF PVP gameplay,dragonflight warrior talent tree,WOW DRAGONFLIGHT ARMS WARRIOR TALENT PREVIEW FOR PVP : OP SPEC ?,Dragonflight pvp Warrior talent,Dragonflight pvp Warrior talent preview,Wow dragonflight talent preview,wow dragonflight pvp changes,wow dragonflight beta,wow dragonflight,WoW DF Pvp Changes,Wow DF PVP gameplay,dragonflight warrior talent tree,WOW DRAGONFLIGHT ARMS WARRIOR TALENT PREVIEW,ARMS Warrior on Dragonflight PTR,The Main Problem With ARMS Warrior,TOP PVP SPECS WOW DRAGONFLIGHT,Top 4 pvp specs 10.0 wow dragonflight,Pvp specs 10.0 Dragonflight
I'm not taking a break on youtube, but i'm taking a break of WoW. Expect other games where I can be positive / critical about. I don't want to bash WoW for the sake of it. So i'll be returning on WoW When they release fresh content.
Def a you prob. Touch some grass bro. K bye lol
I totally understand. We are the same age i guess and i am also married. My time is limited and i cant enjoy it right now, because whenever i want to q it takes so much time. But I still want to get glad in DF and thats what keeps me playing
Bro, I'm in the same boat. I literally love 2s but all my friends either don't play or hardly play. I go to lfg and can't find anyone to play with. So i just do some blitz and log, but man they just abandoned this game…
Did you tried overwatch ?
I love your videos man. Before you go could you do a random BG teir list for us casuals who just came back to play out the last season?
Nothing but respect! Better to step away than to burnout by doing something that isn’t fulfilling
Play what you want! I can’t stress this enough! Yes viewership may go down for a little but we will want to see you enjoying a game!
glad im not the only one <3
Warhammer 40K… You can never be bored and it is the paragon of lore.
Well tbh if u only play pvp in wow i understand why it's dead for u but m+ and raiding atm is so fun
Sad to see you go, mate, you were my favorite wow content creator. Good luck!
I blame SoD, and hardcore for the situation we are in with retail, season 1 and 2 were doing just fine, tons of stuff coming out on a very good pace
then SoD happened, and people jumped the trend and hardcore, and plunderstorm, and soon cataclysm…. and so on
I'm out this season. My focus is on casual classic and retail mount farms.
Classic is fun, give it a try.
I want you to get alpha
As a dad of 2, 20 minute SS queues are the bane of my existence.
Warzone vids are good to man.
Yeah season 4 added nothing really. No new PvP armor transmog to chase, same old grind for higher ilvl numbers. Waste of time to chase that in my opinion. Que times in bgs are abysmal
As pvp player in wow i had the same problem lfr is super bad as dps atleast and solo q is just tragic , i can't wait anymore of those long qs … i had some fast qs as healer but its not so fun so.. yeah i stop as well after 16 years ..
Take care Tomas/Thomas. Enjoy life, enjoy family and other games.
Can i have ur gold?
Play elden ring
I also totally hit the rock bottom last season. Even though the raid was piss easy. It was just the stress of keeping up with the extremely boring and relentless mythic plus. Also season 4 revealed itself to be nothing of special. And we have seen the same shit in Shadowlands. No thank you i think im done with the game forever now. Finally.
The issue is… the game is super redundant. Re GEARING for season 4, starting off at 0 and just pushing again. It feels like, when I lost my Pokemon game file on Red back in the day and had to start all over. I just didn't care to do it, since I already did it once with a full Pokedex. This is Arena in a nutshell, they delete your save file and you have to do it all over again. On that NOTE do variety YouTube videos like Asmon did, whatever you are currently playing just make content on that too. It'll bring awareness to some new games people might not have played otherwise. JUST as suggestion 🙂
I took a 4 month break due to work
I came back last month and I’m having WAY more fun.
It feels great to feel fresh and enjoy it
Hey man, I don't wanna be negative, but if you would like to be the same as asmongold or soda when they can play any game, you should be not only "I'm very low energy negative", but either "high energy negative" or "high enegergy positive" and I you don't have that energy or smart engagement as asmon, then you should either learn how to do it or you won't make it
There's not enough rewards for casual pvp. We need more new stuff to buy with honor or win from bgs
dude. You're playing wow arena, u got over 50 max lvl alts. Arena is shit. You got no main. Like, wtf is that content you're trying to make?
Wdym you're bored? Ofc you are
Totally understand and agree – Congrats on the programming degree – not an easy feat!! Balance is so key in life – Family First always. I'm back on my cozy games and will return to WoW when it is time – that's life : ) See you when I see you on WoW again, until then, Enjoy Your Life!
The game is still fundamentally fun. It's just the content is very stale and the accessibility of pvp is incredibly frustrating for majority of the player base. Rated Solo BG is the last hope for pvp.
diminishing returns, tolerance…the game is an addiction and like a drug it stops working after a while.
It is normal when ppl just play a game full of addons reacting to sound & visual alarms 24/7
this guy said dont do season 4 but youre cooked my guys. WoW just might not be the game for you. LATA!
Took you long enough … 🙂
wow is my favorite game of all time, i have the most fun ever playing pvp with all my characters, but i mean, waiting 20 min everytime i wanna queue a shuffle is unbearable, just waiting for some new mmorpg to release
It's burnout mate. Take some time off and come back when you want too, don't force it. Take it easy dude
its a good time to take a break from wow anyway
kinda feel the same. I have a little baby girl and a full time job. Last thing i want to do is wait in queue just to get farmed by a demon hunter lol. I been playing hell divers a fair bit lately.
Sad to see you go but I guess to each his own. I think playing the new class evoker has been super fun for me, getting the legendary, dragon flying without a mount, blowing people : carrying people off ledges in pvp. Also started to PVE as I'm usually a pvper this has all been super fun for me
Good call Thomas. Finally some truths. Please tell us when its worth to come back ❤
Are queues times much better for DPS solo shuffle season 4? Like 3-4 minutes now or is it still 30 mins?
well……..bye. Who are you again?
No man , Is a game problem , same happen to me and i see the same on other content creators that are not paid by blizzard or work for blizzard in some way .
They keep saying dragonflight is great but i never saw it appealing , theres no lore speculations , or zones that are memorable , not even the trailer for it's launch was any hype , this used to attract people but is just not there .
I think this expansion is the most generic , woke and lazy warcraft ever had , yes it had plenty content but the quality was bad , there's no use for content if bad quality , i liked when there was void or burning legion speculation
And pvp is too balanced, i liked the one shots , the trolling , the random triple DPS comps that were actually good, the pika boo xaryu wanna be boys that went rogue mage and run after opening failed , there's no longer that or not to that extent .
You Should try Albion Online for some funny pvp fights
To put things into perspective a little bit, I'm a WoW player myself but the whole reason I found you as a content creator is due to your GW2 videos, I'd honestly not give a shit about what your making, whatever game you're playing if you want to make a video, do it. Trust me there will be a whole audience out there that could be subscribing.
Just an idea but maybe give oldschool runescape a try, the community love someone with little knowledge and you could end up with a massive spike in viewers.
I am in the opposite boat. I also have two kids, work 50 hours a week. I find the game very enjoyable. I am a healer, no que times, and chill and have fun.
I think you just play too much and need to take a break. You are burnt out. It would happen no matter what do you do the same amount of time.
No way 😂😂😂 forreal