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Hey guys! I’m playing World of Warcraft for the first time after 10 or more years! I’m wanting to make a whole series about wow if possible! Like, Comment and SUB for more!
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Comment what spec I should go if ya want ❤
Hey bro it's your boy strike great video , I always enjoyed Ice back in the day when I played Wow.
great video loved it man!
If you / dance when wave at the Ogres they would all dance
Ye if you make this a play through I’d subscribe
Go arcane, it’s underrated and the raw damage you can dish out is dizzying, also pretty easy for questing as you can basically just spam arcane blast and all that remains of your enemies is death. The arcane missiles are fun too.
Death knights and demon hunters start at level 8 now
please make this a series!
Hehe… 69 likes at the moment.. yyeessss
Yes!! I love that so many people are coming back/joining for the first time! Imma binge watch this series
my left ear is enjoying it
good video but if not first time don't put on tittle
180th sub Yo welcome my man ACE!. AND 100TH LIKE yeeeeee
You haven't played since Wrath, but you've played RBGs xD
great video ….keep them coming .