Grizzly Hills | World of Warcraft Music & Ambience, Wrath of the Lich King: Classic, by Everness

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One of my favorite fictional worlds is Azeroth from the Warcraft franchise. Grizzly Hills is known as one of the most iconic zones from Wrath of the Lich King, primarily because of it’s captivating environmental music.
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To learn more about the Warcraft franchise, check it out here:

The footage in this video was captured by Everness. Check out their channel for some of the best World of Warcraft ambience on YouTube:
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I do not own any of the visuals or audio in my videos and my channel is not monetized. All ads direct revenue to the respective copyright owners through the Content ID system. Please check out the copyright links to the original music in the links below. Videos on my channel are removed immediately upon request from the copyright owners or YouTube.


36 thoughts on “Grizzly Hills | World of Warcraft Music & Ambience, Wrath of the Lich King: Classic, by Everness”

  1. Recently, i was in Austria, when a fair wind came up blew through the trees. It remembered me instantly on the this music. Like many others here, i spent countless hours in the hills just to listen to its music❤.

  2. There have been many days when I've felt melancholic and depressed, as it's something I've struggled with for decades, and I've logged in to the game simply to play in the Grizzly Hills zone so I can let this music soothe my wretched, unfeeling soul. The people who put this music to paper are sorcerers of sound and know full well how to pull your mind apart with each and every note you hear. The piece that's burned into my cerebral cortex is from 12:3013:03. It's like the echo of a swan song, the end of an era, or the death of a fallen hero. I'm so glad I bought the collector's edition of Wrath of the Lich King when it came out—I can listen to "Totems of the Grizzlemaw" whenever I like.😁

  3. Just wish they keep the healing like in the lich King, now is soo complicated and when your are a small time player its not fun any more, maybe healer have too much mana at this time but a think its just make easy and more fun and less stressful now if you loose people jump at the throat of the healer 75% of the time and its is very bad for keeping healer

  4. I started playing World of Warcraft in 2004, my stepdad at the time was working with 999 games (the boardgame company) and they received a couple of Alpha Keys to give to their employees. – I was lucky enough that my stepdad was able to snatch one extra. And I was instantly hooked. – I played religiously until about 2010. – Never forget!

  5. Woah, this brings me back. I believe, in the ages and aeons to come, there will be worlds built and dedicated to relive and play games of all types and infinite time to experience them. I know I'll be doing some WOW'ing like in the days of my youth. Adventures galore to be had with friends and companions. Back to simpler times of discovering new and exciting things!

  6. Grizzly Hills was a great zone, for sure, but I refuse to believe the reason this music speaks to us on such a level is because of that alone.

    This music speaks to us because that's the kind of peace we all seek, we're all drawn to it, the log cabin in the woods, a warm fire, a calm river, and not a worry in the world.

    That's a calling most people will feel in their lives, it's hardwired in us, and this music clearly speaks to that very part of us.


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