Shadowlands Mage Legendary Powers Crafting Advice

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Hey guys, just warning you about some stuff considering Legendary Powers in Shadowlands. Also telling you on which slots you should put your Legendary Powers. Going through most important Legendary Powers for all specs.
And one important note about mission table, if you already don’t know about it.
#wow #shadowlands #mage


11 thoughts on “Shadowlands Mage Legendary Powers Crafting Advice”

  1. Sorry, if I made this video a bit too late and you already made your Legendary 😀
    Hopefully there won't be any changes, but you can't be too careful.
    I forgot to mentiuon Fevered Incantation. It's very close to Firestorm, it might be better if you have a bit bigger ms (latency) than Firestorm.
    It can be made on Head, Waist. Again I prefer Head, because it offers a lot more stats.

  2. I dont understand the reason for making legendary on the same slot, because in the future if they allow you to equip more than one legendary you would want them on different slots.

  3. i checked wowhead and they prioritizing helm chest legs for legendaries! so made my first lego to chest !! since the stats on last boss raid are bad on chest piece, and the ring stats are very good for arcane mage!

  4. i disagree to wait, IF it is OP then you are going to help your raid/M+ immensely in the first week or two when it matters the most , and if they dont nerf it it is better to have goten the extra week or 2 from it. Not to mention if they nerf it correctly it will just come in line with the other choices and you will still have gotten more from it.

  5. Hey mate, can we somehowe compare in raidbots legendaries? Idk how to add legendary to gear compare.
    Also can you tell please, we should buy 235 ilvl for crafting legendary or we can start from 190 and in future up it? And we should spend toghast tokens every week to up our main legendary or it's enough to make it oncve and after we can craft for another spec. Because I still don'y know what spec I will play, still trying (:


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