Guild Wars 2 vs. World of Warcraft | In 2022

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2022 has been a turbulent time in the MMO market, with big wins for games like FFXIV, successful launches such as Lost Ark, and rocky starts in the cases like New World. Amongst all of this excitement, there are two big MMORPGs that have yet to reveal their full hand in 2022, Guild Wars 2 (GW2) and World of Warcraft (WOW), today we compare them head-to-head!
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Now before we get into it, let me tell you where I am coming from. I have been playing MMORPGs for a while now. I played World of Warcraft (WOW) for the first time about halfway through Wrath of The Lich King and played until the end of Cataclysm. I then left WOW to go play games like Guild Wars 2 (GW2), Wildstar (RIP), and Black Desert Online (BDO). I’ve always paid attention to the new expansions WOW released but never felt very interested in returning to the game. Even during legion, when it looked like WOW had really turned the ship around (we’ll talk more about this in a second) I wasn’t convinced. It was Battle for Azeroth, an expansion focused on exploring, adventure, and world PVP that convinced me to come back. We all know how BFA turned out. In 2020 I decided to give Final Fantasy 14 (FFXIV/FF14) and The Elder Scrolls Online (ESO) a try, both of which I enjoyed and still play today. In 2021 I once again turned to WOW’s newest expansion Shadowlands and then embarked on my journey to Amazon’s New World. I’m excited to see where 2022 takes me!

👀 Which game do you prefer… and why?

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48 thoughts on “Guild Wars 2 vs. World of Warcraft | In 2022”

  1. The biggest reason I prefer GW2 is that no content is ever trivial. You scale down to each zone so even a lvl 80 could have issues in a starter zone. Unless WoW has changed, low level content is not worth doing anymore.

  2. GW2 feels like a live game. There is always someone who plays alongside. The thing I hate about GW2 is no matter what gear you have or what level you are you feel like a no one. You die in 2 shots.
    The worst thing about Wow is that there is so much map and story that you will never see and there are almost no one along side you. They are in the end game content. It feels like a dead game.

  3. Community in GW2 is absolute dog shit.
    I've asked several questions and get the same zoomer fgt antagonistic replies.
    Even old school [Anal] wow posting was friendlier and more helpful than this.
    Guess I'll just stick with wow, not going to drop $100 on this game and deal with shitters.
    The fact that I can't even whisper my friend and play with him to try this game is a deal breaker.

  4. I only have one critique of GW2, it is minor for most players but there are many new players that think it is a major obstacle for continuing to play. That would be the time to progress for mounts/mastery is too long. I think having to grind one mount to get to another mount you actually need for content of the game is too long. I understand it is part of the expansions but I think that it was relevant when it was the current expansion. Now that it has been a few years they should reduce the grind. I know it will upset many veteran players(give them titles and/or skins?) but if we want to attract new players there are some things we need to let go of. GW2 is a very long game with hundreds of hours of gameplay. I know that the pauses in the game forced on you when trying to "Mastery" the game content to get to the latest expansion is frustrating to many people I have talked to. Having to sit and grind one area over and over again just so you can access part of the map makes it harder for player retention. Nothing to do with "Feelings" just reality of how people consume MMO content now. I was there when we would grind hundreds of hours just get a drop in WoW. I understand it can "feel" like it is unfair but it was years ago now. Time to move on and care about the current content. I think concentrating on current content is more rewarding to veteran players than caring about what we did long time ago. That is my two cents anyways.

    P.S. I know you can activate your PoF Expansion to finish that content to get all the needed mounts but to me skipping ahead is not a solution, at best a band aid.

  5. They're very different games. I'd say GW2's combat system feels dramatically better than WoW's, but the group play is not as engaging because it lacks the trinity. This has a significant impact on instanced PvE, which I feel WoW not only does a better job of generally, but also has vastly more content on offer.

    With regard to story, GW2 wins easily. It's not that WoW doesn't have a ton of good lore to draw upon, it's more the delivery feels disconnected from the player. You're a passenger, along for the ride. By comparison, in GW2 the player is at the center of events and the story is the primary driver of content (of which there is quite a lot!).

    In terms of the leveling process, I give the win to WoW. GW2's core game is, frankly, atrocious. It feels boring and aimless. Even the environments are bland. Of course, that all changes the moment you set foot into the expansion content, where the environments are incredible, the combat is fast-paced, and the rewards, events, and everything else kicks up about 10 notches! So, leveling process itself goes to WoW, but open world in general is an easy win for GW2.

    Competitive play is similar to my comments on the combat system and instanced PvE. GW2's superior combat system makes PvP a blast, but the lack of game modes is a major flaw. WoW just has a much wider variety of PvP content on offer, even if the combat that forms the foundation is relatively weak. It's also worth noting that GW2 offers a level playing field for PvP. Your character's gear and level don't matter, which is a major draw for truly competitive players.

    Vertical vs. horizontal progression is a tough call. I think a lot of players just don't know what to do with themselves once they hit the wall. What's the point in playing if your character never gets stronger? I think it's a valid criticism. On the other hand, there is still a ton of content in GW2, enough to keep most players busy for years. But I think for the hardcore players, having systems like M+ and frequent new content catering to the hardcore crowd is going to make WoW the better option.

    Graphics. What are you nuts? GW2 came out many years later. Art style aside, GW2 obviously looks a lot better than WoW. You'd have to be a serious WoW fanboi to say otherwise! Having said that, they're both old games and won't hold up to the standard of today. GW2 also has a major issue with visual noise in group combat. Particle effects end up completely obliterating the target so you can't even see visual cues you're supposed to react to! It's…embarrassing.

    UI. WoW wins. Duh? It has vastly more features and is fully customizable. GW2's UI is intentionally basic and it's part of the reason they struggle with group content (e.g. you can't even target allies for healing/support!).

    I think that about covers it?

  6. I had chance to play both games, both are good in their own ways, I just prefere But2Play over Sub2Play. Yes GW2 without DLCs is basically exploration simulator cause you don't get any story above lvl 80 but it's still fun to run around with your friends exploring, running dungeons, doing events etc…

  7. As a casual player and having played a lot of mmorpg's, I would say that both games are different and is not to be compared. GW2 is more of a pvp type of game in a pve environment (dodge rolling is a must, especially in expansions or you'll get killed easily even though you are using heavy armor characters) and is more on the achievement side (endgame gears are basically achieved through achievements, even mounts). I am a casual player and not a big fan of constant dodge rolling and as for the achievement side, it forces you to work hard to get those achievements if you want to see any progress for your character (my main character is currently stuck (the reason why I stopped playing) because getting those achievements feels like a job and is no longer enjoyable for me). Not to mention the elite specializations, wherein you need to unlock them first with hero points. I was so excited to play HOT as an elite spec and was frustrated to know that I have to play the HOT maps first to unlock HPs to unlock my elite specs, so by the time I fully unlocked my elite specs, I was already done with the story of HOT and never got to enjoy the elite specs much until POF came. As for WOW, it's more of a questing type of game and dungeons achievement on endgame. It is more casual friendly than GW2 with the questing and battle system but the dungeon achievements are a bit of a grind especially if you're teamed up with crazy players. In the end, as a casual player I will choose either ESO or FF14. Just my opinion. No need for hate comments. Peace. 😀

  8. WoW is meh. If you are just starting now, you have a HUGE up hill battle till you are competitive. Think Mount Everest x2. I lost interest 2 expansions ago. FFXIV is great till around 60 and then the only way to level is by grouping and running the same dungeons over and over and over and over. Also, there is no free will. A healer is a healer. A DPS is a DPS. A tank is a tank. Boring bland and no individualism. While the story is good, and arguably the best, it is never ending and stalls you out FOREVER when you are trying to transition from one expansion to the next. GW2 is the only worthwhile MMO. Weapon swap changes skills. Weapon swap while in combat. More skill based over gear based. So much to do in the open world. A lvl 80 can go back to a lvl 10 area and get full credit because it downgrades you to that level while keeping all your skills. Your max lvl character can lvl with your level 10 friend with no slow down in your grind. TinyBlueGames mentioned seeing lvl 5 characters running around on flying mounts in lowbie zones. Those aren't lvl 5 characters. As I mentioned above, when you go to lower level zones, you are downgraded to those zone levels. That lvl 5 is actually a lvl 80.

  9. For me i would say something along the lines of
    Gw2 > combat, leveling system, Open world repeatable content, character progression, large scale pvp
    Wow> story, linier progressive content, small scale pvp

  10. I find the comparison really interesting but you're totally wrong about the leveling experience trivialized by tomes of knowledge.
    It's not your mistake tough, it is a manifestation of the very big problem of the game: you can understand it enough only after years of full immersive gaming in it…because there is just too much stuff to know.
    Using tome of knowledge to level a character is something a lot of people does (unfortunately because that's a damage for them AND for the entire economy of the game…) but it's a total waste. Tomes of knowledge should be used on LV80 characters to gain Spirit Shards which re the actual source of income for all players.
    The drama is that a very few players know that so everyone just thinks the game does not give gold as rewards for anything, you just have to farm grind and sell loot on the TP.
    Leveling and XP (Spirit Shards) is the best source of income in the game but you need to know how to use it to craft legendary or rare weapons to sell to other players. There are many ways to get gold in the game but this is the only one that allows you to do most of the farm just by playing what you want because most of the farm is gaining XP. Just use the right set of xp boosters and you can play any content, in any moment, and you're farming gold because you're farming XP or Tomes of Knowledge (especially in PVP and WvW). But you will waste that gold if you use the Tomes for leveling. Also, leveling a character from lv 1 to 80 requires probably around 5-6 hours if you know what to do well enough.

  11. I played WoW for over 10 years and I can safely say that WoW leveling is some of the most mundane and boring leveling process in an mmo game especially how irrelevant older parts of the world become as soon as something new has been released and it is not like expansion to expansion basis, it is at a patch level e.g when Nazjatar was released in BfA you would be lucky to someone in the boralus or zandalar maps actually doing activities that's not a leveling player so even the more populated servers could feel dead to someone leveling in an mmo, PvP on the other hand while offering a wide variety of modes to play most of the content is gear gated mainly ranked modes and others such as Brawl, Solo Shuffle have insane queue times due to lack of participation, and casual could might as well be named stomping grounds because you are more likely to run into a party trying out high level comps against people who were randomly matched, and finally the pvp balance is more or less nonexistent they overbuff and overnerf classes and specs all the time so the ladder is dominated by a comp every season or so and most higher rank games are just comp mirrors which not only boring to play but is also boring to watch.

    Dungeons in the game are what holds the game together for me, there will be one or two every expansion that just fell flat on its face but the rest are fun and exciting to play, mythic mode however is being treated like crap with each new expansion, as in the start of legion it was marketed as a way for players who don't like the large scale raids to enjoy a competitive pve environment and get rewarded evenly as the higher levels of mythic+ would reward gear equivalent to raids, minus the raids unique pieces of gear effects such as tier armor bonuses and unique trinkets but the gear would be of similar power stats wise, then the ilvl of gear acquired through M+ dungeons was reduced to be less than raids, then it was limited to only the weekly chest and lastly was limited to M+15 in terms of progression gain as anything higher than 15 would be done purely for challenge to see if it can be cleared in time. The devs in the past couple of years just ran the title into the ground and that's just a shame.

  12. Guild Wars 2 is abandonware and has the most immature and addicted fanboys ever in an mmo community. They didn't have anything new added to the game for 11 months as of today. They are coping hard with "Directx 11 update" or "Steam launch" or "new player experience" lmao. Steam playerbase is extremely tiny as well, peaked at 8k players even though it's free to play and dropped down to 2-3k xD

  13. do you need to buy all expansion to play for example you got the guild wars 2 game for free and you want the last expansion to buy you would play that expansion ? need an awnser thanks

  14. Listen guys. I’ve played Wow for 15 plus years. GW2 is superior in every way except for a game mode called pvp. GW2 still has badass pvp, it’s in WvW mode. Classes are more fun, way, way, way more alt friendly, and an endless amount of fun stuff to do. It doesn’t feel like grinding, it finally feels like I’m playing a game again. And don’t even get me started on how helpful and friendly the community is.

  15. There is no MMO like GW2. The unique classes, specializations, skills, jobs, the amazing and diverse map, THE VIEWS, an amazing story, customization, unique mounts, a good player base economy, character design, mobs design, world bosses, and finally and most important, THE LEAST TOXIC COMMUNITY, they all made me feel welcome since day 1, in every single server, without a doubt the best gaming community. If you thinking on joining GW2 in 2023, you should really do it, there is no regrets, you will fall in love with it.

  16. sorry but the game is good but the combat system is a failure! most likely becasue of how old it is and early adpotation of hybrit action combat. it feels clunky and impossible for average player to use well with certain classes.

  17. im a gw2 fan and what i love is that it is a budget friendly not p2w mmorpg. im sick and tired of p2w horizontal progression gear treadmill games. my rl money is important and i dont want to waste money.

  18. Honestly the physics snd dodge rolling of GW2 is amazing, coming from WOW I cannot go back it feels too boring and stagnate. Kinda like making a DH for the first time and getting all the speed of a feral druid, with double jump, going back to other classes feels slow.

  19. Tired of YouTubers praising FF14’s “story”.

    Yeah, IF you manage to survive 1,000+ brain melting, IQ devouring “quests” that are notorious for tossing you back and forth between TWO of the same NPC’s that are 5 continents apart.

    No voice acting, shit ton of reading.

    And it’s not even GOOD reading.

    It’s “I had pizza last night great Hero, don’t you care?”
    “By the way, do my laundry.”
    “When you’re done, go back across the continent and re-talk to your initial quest giver to tell him you did my laundry”

    1 down, 999 more of the SAME quests with ZERO urgency left to go before “IT GETS GOOD!”

    Yeah, okay.

  20. I agree final fantasy had a decent story but for a big company like square Enix to have me read a comic book pretty much the whole story turned me off. Every piece of gw2 is voiced over and its beautiful. Gw2 wins on story for me over wow and ff14

  21. I started to play gw2 like 4 days ago and its already booring slow shit i cant do anything without buying some expansions.. Meanwhile i've played wow for like 7-8 years and it was very cool and made a lot of friends. Nowadays blizzard is trash, but the game will always be top 1 mmo no matter what.. Wow is better deal with it see ya

  22. Wow over gw2 an sadly Ira not even close. An I don't play wow anymore either but I can say after playing both gw2 misses the mark on most everything. Pvp feels to random an bloated. Open world is the only decent thing that gw2 has but honestly as a player I don't care about that style of content I don't feel progress from that an I think everything you say is biased.

  23. GW2 just wins IMO. WoW was my first official MMO in 2007 and it has a special place in my heart but now it just doesn't hit the spot. GW2 on the other hand just lets me have my fun and do what I want.

    GW2 also has, imo, better graphics, cosmetics, mounts, progression system, atmosphere, and open world experience. The community is also much more chill.


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