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Happy New Year friends of Warcraft! We kick off the new year wrapping up the very long WoW Anniversary Event before we slide into something new! Meanwhile for fledglign and veteran mount collectors there’s a cool site to check out!
The site:
Swag stuff
Streaming Tuesday through Thursday 830AM Pacific
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Happy new year🎉🎉
1:07 particularly if you care about unique looks. 90% of it is just recycled BRD gear, but there are a few items that are (at least according to ATT) either unique or are in an armor weight you can’t collect elsewhere.
Trading in ALL my bronze tokens for timewarped badges
Happy new year may u all get the cool gear u deserve
Must remember to spend all my celebration tokens soon too.
i downvote every video you sing in
FOMO for the felcycle isn’t a thing anymore, but good luck trying to get all the required toys/mog/mounts/pets that you’ll need to progress it
How soon before the new classes show up?
I have not kept on upgrading my heirloom gear. I have been using my TWB to upgrade them.
Bob is the best bot ever
I got my Bruto fishing and getting those flame sacs for needed for Incognitro cycle.
OK there may be a way to get the Incognitro cycle after the anniversary but the people needed that group together for say the Zul Grub part may be fewer after the anniversary.
is the currency going away forever ?
One anniversary collectable that gets overlooked is the titles you can buy for TW badges near the mailbox.
1065 mounts for me atm. I’m only missing jailers mount pre WW and mounts with vicious saddles but nice shout out to missing mounts site
For people who have bought all the items you can get with the bronze celebration tokens, you can convert them into timewalking badges throug 1 of the vendors in tanaris.
I feel like I got everything that I wanted. The only thing I wish was those keys from the black rock raid were transferable because I do that shit like once or twice on any character and then I do it on a different character and go down the list of my 65ALTS.
Happy New Years!
Happy New Year, my dudes!
I need to stop procrastinating and buy the brut mount with in game gold.
damn that mount site is nice.
Happy 2025 soul,and viewers
Wow dude… thanks for finding the mount website.. working on the Shadowlands, DF, BFA metas for the mount rewards i didnt realize i accumulated mounts i could purchase. Very helpful.
What "set" or combo of items are you wearing at 0:43, If possible can you list them? I know the shield, sword and helm are from the event vendor but can't seem to find the other visual items you have on.