Happy New Year And EVENTS ENDING SOON! This Week In Warcraft

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Happy New Year friends of Warcraft! We kick off the new year wrapping up the very long WoW Anniversary Event before we slide into something new! Meanwhile for fledglign and veteran mount collectors there’s a cool site to check out!

The site: http://missingmounts.com

Swag stuff https://soul-shop.fourthwall.com/
Discord https://discord.gg/4T5VTpn
Patreon https://www.patreon.com/soulsobreezy
Streaming Tuesday through Thursday 830AM Pacific https://www.twitch.tv/soulsobreezy

World of Warcraft and World of Warcraft: The War Within is developed by Blizzard Entertainment. Check them out or sign up to play for FREE up to level 20!

#warcraft #thewarwithin


24 thoughts on “Happy New Year And EVENTS ENDING SOON! This Week In Warcraft”

  1. 1:07 particularly if you care about unique looks. 90% of it is just recycled BRD gear, but there are a few items that are (at least according to ATT) either unique or are in an armor weight you can’t collect elsewhere.

  2. I feel like I got everything that I wanted. The only thing I wish was those keys from the black rock raid were transferable because I do that shit like once or twice on any character and then I do it on a different character and go down the list of my 65ALTS.

  3. Wow dude… thanks for finding the mount website.. working on the Shadowlands, DF, BFA metas for the mount rewards i didnt realize i accumulated mounts i could purchase. Very helpful.


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