Hardcore World Of Warcraft Has An Identity Crisis

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14 thoughts on “Hardcore World Of Warcraft Has An Identity Crisis”

  1. ya rested xp is silly and exactly the kind of "player demand" that caused us not to get anything as cool as wow since vanilla. I tried so many, played huttball for hours played Russian and Korean mmos even. Heck I played wildstar but they all fell to that "cater to the player" mentality that was just a bad lesson to have come away from looking at the success of wow with.

  2. Using the add on is a choice and while I agree you shouldn’t use it, it’s still a choice you make.

    Don’t use it problem solved buddy. I’ve never used it and I’ve never had a problem playing with anyone. This is a self inflicted problem.

  3. ill never understand how other people playing a game a certain way ruins your own enjoyment. So what player A is using restedxp, Player B can still choose to enjoy the game they want. Both players get to play the game as they want and have fun. Win win. The only people mad about that are weirdo nerds

  4. i honestly satrted to play like a week ago, never touched the game before but some buddies wanted to play together, when i eventually got to doing addons, becasue ill be real this game blows major dick without some of them, i got to rested xp got confused at it then mad that it told me to go to places away from my friends then deleted it becasue fuck all that.

  5. More people whining about restedXP that have questie/boss mods/pawn etc and tab out to wowhead all the time. Bunch of hypocrites imo. Someone using restedxp does not affect your game in any way! Why do people start playing wow and become huge gatekeeping pricks? Never fails what they say about wow culture. Toxic af!

  6. Great analysis. Extremely interesting phenomenon that even in a challenge mode that's designed to force you to pay attention to the game, people found a workaround. All my most memorable moments so far have been when I've gone off script

  7. People like to play the game different ways. I like to kind of do my own thing and go at my own pace, and just have fun, my best friend however gets more enjoyment from playing efficiently, getting a lot done, and he’s more focused on end goals rather than the process to get there. There’s nothing wrong with either approach, just different things that different people enjoy.

  8. this dichotomy is old as time, there are people with 100 kids that sits for 5min in the game and get "wife aggro" uh? why I can't pay 100usd for a mount? I don't have time to grind, so sure I buy gold, uh? why should I learn again this old game? I pay for rest xp ofc, etc and then the people who play normal bc they also exist, the server is not onlyfangs pick me bc the alliance exist


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