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Is he actually wearing BW this time 😀
I tried this build, looks decent but I really need practice. Playing 13-15s on 1123111 with BW. Is there a big difference in dmg?
LOL. THat Plagueroc was totally Jed. We forget that fel rush basically cleaves the sky in twain. 😀 Can't tell you how many times I've pulled a flying creature with a rush.
So do you like running burning wound in mythic+ more than darkglare boon and collective anguish for both fortified and tyrannical?
little DH Pepeee is Blaaaaaaaasting 😛
Mmany deals for a friend of the Grummles
Why burning wound > CA?
why are you mentioning the build in your titles but then don't explain how it works or have a guide video ? I would like to know when to use Essence break optimally, before fel rush or after etc
whats that green sword spell bound to your 1 key?
Is this the play or still testing it out for M+
are u using a macro for vengeful retreat and essence break together?
I was just about to comment how it was actually a 16 but then I saw lol
7,2k is low damage i think for this ilvl
Starting playing this build the other day because of your last video, and swapped my legendary out. Definitely feels nicer and does more consistent damage so thank you!
how do you vengeful retreat and essence break at the same time at 1:11 , don't they have GCDs ?
you think this is going to be your meta from now on?
Which conduit do you prefer when using this talent? Because i have tried essence break + momentum and my dps is lower than before
First of all I wanna thank you for the content yure brining to help every DH out there trough rough times! 🙂
Keep the work up and I personally wish ya the best of Luck with the stream as well!
What would be personally say to play on Raid? Burning Wound and than 1/1/2/3/1/?/1 or the Demonblades with Firstblood? D: ST based Ofc.
Hey a quick question. Is using blade dance worth it or is it better to just use ONLY chaos strikes/annihilation?
Great video once again. may i ask what the weakaura for the interrupt tracker is? I have one as well but it doesn't look as clean as yours.
Is there a reason you don't spread your Burning Wounds onto other targets within a pack?
please make a guide
What's the name of the addon that shows abilities at the right of your character? (ones that appear and then fade away). Abilities that just went off cd