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Do you think that Momentum + EB with BW would be better?
I’m doing 5.1k overall right now with I lvl 221 any good?
man you playin FFXIV? guess i have to watch the twitch vods.
have you tried glaive tempest over UBC with that build lately?
Jedith what are the essential macros that I should have with my dh when making mythic plus?
Super speed invisible turtle @ 9:29. I fux with soulshape turtle. He's the best one.
Yo Jedith. my guild wont be doing mythic raid at all, so im just wondering if i should aim for 2x high ilvl poxstorms or 1 + hc veinripper? love your vids and the info you put out =)
Yo jedith really enjoyed this video but with demonic try to use The hunt and Unbound Chaos after you use eyebeam(demonic form) for more damage.
Question: I'm about to hit Tier6 Cat Res and have 50k saved. Should I learn all my potency conduits first or get my sockets first?
What is your stat priority with a Demonic build? Your haste is much higher than mine and with Meta and PI your DPS really goes through the roof.
Hey Jedith! You really help me in playing my DH better.
Welcome to the Demonic Army