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If you’ve ever thought about trying WoW, now might be the time to do so.
The upcoming Shadowlands expansion brings a brand new introduction to the game for first time players. Today we take a look at what this means for WoW and anyone who may want to jump in to check it out.
World of Warcraft is a massively multiplayer online role-playing game released in 2004 by Blizzard Entertainment. The game’s eighth expansion, Shadowlands, is set to launch later this year.
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Wow I am like some months older than this game I missed allot
WoW today 2020 is crap and blizzard shoult be killed for that bullshi patch 🙁
I played during Cataclysm and then stopped because I had to study. I‘m mainly a PvE mount hunter. And I don‘t want to play the game anymore just cause of the fact that there were some PvE mounts in WoW that aren‘t in the game anymore.
i was really looking forward to it but i need cash so i cant afford it
Wtf is this? I just want to play Warcraft that I was playing when I was a kid, where can I find World of Warcraft 3 and play it in multiplayer mode?
No. Never. Start smoking instead. It's healthier.
I think I will start when the expansion is out. Never really was motivated but after so many bad experiences I finally wanna play a good mmo
So.. WoW is just like anyother MMO now.
For being 16 years old with numerous updates and expansions i wouldve expected the graphics to look closer to skyrim or something
Iam going to play world of warcraft again on my soon to be gaming laptop pc running windows 10 home
edition. by the way iam 27 years old.
I miss ms Jessica soukup as my 30 year old looking female teacher 24/7!!! Yolo
this game is just 2 years younger than me
I'll make it short for you guys.
Quality video, thank you
Wow was the game… that almost made me addicted. Thankfully i could hit the brake in time. Since ive played it never again. Iam more the ESO type. XD
I don't really know what to say about this game
Been looking into it. My roommate is addicted to this. Am I next?
I just started playing yesterday and man the game is so much fun but I wish it was free without subscription or having to pay. Apparently they’re a way to stay longer in the game but it’s requires paying a big number of gold but free players are only able to hold about 10 gold. I played paladin and switched to demon hunter so I’m currently lvl 11
How about adding graphics?
Dude… Thank you SO MUCH! I dont normally comment on this kind of thing, but you seriuosly helped me out so much. I recently switched to ESO after only playing WoW for about 40 hours. I left because WoW felt so boring before BFA. Its all outdated and lame, but this changed EVERYTHING!
Why is no one talking about how easy it is? you are unable to die while questing, you can pull 5 mobs and they will not take even half of your health down, you do not need to eat and drink because mana and health regenerate on there own so fast, what is going on?
Its just to much of a button mashing grinder for me
thumbs up just for that ending lol
Friends? Wut?
Ever play everquest? Was before wow
impractical jokers
just starting playing, kinda fun game
yhweuidshdiuefiuwfuioefdwdkwoif0ioefuiqwjd89 >>>:O@he98w oiCow5t >>> diaw0dwj0aijsd; i w9d8a9d8wd98;
I was thinking of getting WoW but got confused, do you have to purchase each update or do you have a one time purchase and get everything else in it except for maybe DLCs
You have put tons of time into the game and you don't know what archeology is ?
It's better to have few but real friends than many fake friends! Strong individuals dont need MANY friends.
I stopped playing after Lich King, started again yesterday and damn it's different.
any tips for someone coming from ESO?
dude, you should have named your video "how is it to enter wow in 2020 with massive spoilers"
FRom sheldon Cooper tbbt
I'm very late to the party, currently playing free trial and am going to subscribe and am excited for shadowlands. First real experience playing an MMO after considering BDO, FF14, ESO etc but happy ive chosen WOW and hope to be playing for years to come
I miss playing wow however I spent day and night on this game and its probably healthy that I dont touch it again ha