HAVOC DH Shadowlands BETA Overview

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The Havoc DH Shadowlands Beta overview is live! As we dive into all the shadowlands dh changes and testing them in dungeons and torghast, there is definitely major things to cover, especially with the impact of the shadowlands dh legendaries, soulbinds and conduits. Now we all know what a powerhouse the spec was in BFA so in that sense, there are multiple shadowlands dh nerfs but those will not bury the spec into the ground as a couple of changes to the shadowlands dh talents can actually bring back the momentum build? Well that and a lot more in our havoc dh shadowlands beta video so join us and watch until the end and stick to Marcelian Online for all your Shadowlands class updates 🙂

Havoc DH Article

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36 thoughts on “HAVOC DH Shadowlands BETA Overview”

  1. So happy to see these nerfs. Demon hunters should never have been put into the game to begin with. They are more noob friendly than hunters now. Going to laugh as my spriest solos DH in Shadowlands.

  2. Havoc DH has been one of my favorite classes/specs since it was introduced in Legion and I've played one ever since then. It angers me beyond anything I can explain that Blizz has opted to nerf the crap out of my favorite character,..

  3. Late post, but does anyone know if Mistblade's Thrillseeker requires killing enemies or can be proc'ed with just damage. If you have to kill something, it would not be good for any sort of single- target raids, but would be $$$$ for world, torghast, and mythic+

  4. It genuinely pisses me off they didn’t even THINK to make the rotation more engaging : new builders/finishers with various effects.

    Gameplay will still be stale af and we’ll be yet again laughed at for simple gameplay… dammit Blizz

  5. I personally don't mind nerf's, 99% of Mythic is made up by them, but most of the changes look like random shit. They should have added a third caster spec and rework the class instead of plain random nerfing in it. It absolutely won't make the class more complex.

    Spite all this , this expansion already feels like WOTLK, when i look at class changes and balance, meaning that by endgame Warriors charge or jump in a mob pack in HC or M0 and kill it before you can taunt them. Healers and hard casters and especially dotters become useless unless you are doing extreme high content.(and most people caring for fotm and changes like this don't usually get there). Meaning Dh with extreme mobility and good cleave damage (just like warrior basically) will also cleave a mob pack in seconds in normal content, so these changes or nerfs won't affect the gameplay at all in the end. Summing up this shit….It's YOUR GEAR THAT WILL MATTER !!! Why the fuck you care? Unless you are some super underdog at the bottom of the well like a feral or monk or smt.

  6. blizzard was too lazy to add some usefull changes like good synergies in the talent tree of the dh. sadly, it was definetly a cool class and spec and very fun to play but its so sad to press just 3 or 4 buttons and now even this get nerferd. it dont seems reasonable

  7. I haven't played for like a year… My first steps as i am back, is watching your guides.. Nice to see you are still around 👌.. I have to say…. fuck WoW ! You still can't face the camera while you are talking.. Come on bro you had 1 year to fix that… 😜


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