So, I do agree with the writer of this article that this bug should be fixed. It’s better for the spec overall and it’s in the best interest of class balance because this not …
8:50 you mean the PVP Mind Control bug that has been going since Beta and that even occured in the AWC where the Mind Controlled player spazzes everywhere on the screen? They have soooooo many unresolved bugs that have been going on since Beta they should actually pay us 15$/mo to test this game instead of the opposite.
Vengeance demon hunter here! good video love the content, keep up the good work jed, and lets pray that blizzard sacs up and admits they messed up and compensate for it by buffs to not just demon hunter but most other tanks in general, NECROLORD WARRIOR THO gonna be fat me feelz
We will see how this changes the veng spec. Even though it's being done, I feel so squishy when I run spirit bomb and DGB. Would be nice to do more damage if they revert the nerfs and fix the bug.
Talking about the acceptance of classes is an important point. The community is quickly divided on such topics. Finding and fixing such bugs is important, but Blizzard should be aware of the consequences of such an adjustment.
im new to game started in shadowlands..thought VDH was supposed to be Demon type tank…. DH doesnt seem good in arena pvp..maybe i missed it but where is the tournament representation….havoc is doing ok, but its no match for any other class it seems i get wrecked in arenas only shot was VDH…iv had to do RBG's for all my gear(im casual player)…..time to roll a monk, pally or rouge i guess to PvP
welp. blue post was made lol. bug was fixed, but in the best way possible i would say. while they fixed it, they gave an extra 5% passive physical and magic damage taken reduction on top of what they already had while giving a passive 10% all around dmg taken reduction to all other tanks. i think that is honestly the best way they could of done it. because if vengeance got the full 10% phys reduction, they would still be super strong, while if they got no magic buff with that, they would be pretty much unblanced in terms of passive reduction, so they would not have their specialty of being magic tanks, and have a bit of an unfair advantage if they still got the full physical one. so i think they went about the changes they posted pretty well. just a matter of how it pans out.
I like how vengeance are defined "evil twin brother"🤣
8:50 you mean the PVP Mind Control bug that has been going since Beta and that even occured in the AWC where the Mind Controlled player spazzes everywhere on the screen? They have soooooo many unresolved bugs that have been going on since Beta they should actually pay us 15$/mo to test this game instead of the opposite.
Vengeance demon hunter here! good video love the content, keep up the good work jed, and lets pray that blizzard sacs up and admits they messed up and compensate for it by buffs to not just demon hunter but most other tanks in general, NECROLORD WARRIOR THO gonna be fat me feelz
Blizzard sucks nards.
Thx man, keep up doing gr8 work
Bb vengeance. Why????????????
We will see how this changes the veng spec. Even though it's being done, I feel so squishy when I run spirit bomb and DGB. Would be nice to do more damage if they revert the nerfs and fix the bug.
Really now, who in the hell could have reported that he is taking less damage??????
Talking about the acceptance of classes is an important point. The community is quickly divided on such topics. Finding and fixing such bugs is important, but Blizzard should be aware of the consequences of such an adjustment.
Is there a way to see other havoc players single target dps? I feel like I am missing some sort of burst but I never ever see another havoc player.
I really hope havoc gets to shine again. And fuck you blizzard.
Wasn't that conduit also bugged increasing twice as much instead of reducing aswell though?
im new to game started in shadowlands..thought VDH was supposed to be Demon type tank…. DH doesnt seem good in arena pvp..maybe i missed it but where is the tournament representation….havoc is doing ok, but its no match for any other class it seems i get wrecked in arenas only shot was VDH…iv had to do RBG's for all my gear(im casual player)…..time to roll a monk, pally or rouge i guess to PvP
end of 15 minute video for the goods? pass
Nobody puts Vinny Vengeance in a corner.
You are not exaggerating anything. Didn't do their job. If they lied then they lied. And players treat rankings like scripture. Bad combo.
well i could never get a spot in a raid even with a heroic iteam lvl random normal groups never wanted me. my guild got me tho
As a prot pally, I need to be compensated.. lol
welp. blue post was made lol. bug was fixed, but in the best way possible i would say. while they fixed it, they gave an extra 5% passive physical and magic damage taken reduction on top of what they already had while giving a passive 10% all around dmg taken reduction to all other tanks. i think that is honestly the best way they could of done it. because if vengeance got the full 10% phys reduction, they would still be super strong, while if they got no magic buff with that, they would be pretty much unblanced in terms of passive reduction, so they would not have their specialty of being magic tanks, and have a bit of an unfair advantage if they still got the full physical one. so i think they went about the changes they posted pretty well. just a matter of how it pans out.
Justice for all tanks has been served
as vengeance being the only thing i play…. i hate your face… however, this was probably a necessary fix lol… but still.. your face
So will vengence not be any good anymore ?