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Been playing Venth DH all expansion so honestly even nice for me to learn the NF build!
I going play with Big burst Momentum NF, Blade Dance build and Venthyr build
Thanks for the information, Jedith. I was a main priest since 8.3 and now I'm swapping to havoc and your videos been very helpful to me.
Trail simmed higher for me on that talent row and I've been running it last couple of weeks and it's working good too!
Thanks for the vid amigo! DH main inc here in 9.2
I absolutely hate running trail of ruin bin raid, but I love it in m+. For me It's always felt like a weird talent
in the nightfae build for m+ with gt its better to go like most crit u can get ? im playin with 30% crit and 25% haste, im thinking about to get more crit and less haste. (sockets are vers for me and enchants are haste) and enchants on weapons are ( lightless force – penitent edge / or the crit verse blade /// celestial guidance – poxstorm) any tipps from my fav dh player ? 😀
Ps: I just have gearpeaces from hc raid so sadly i cant get pain weapon on 252 :/ only have it on hc difficulty.
PPs: I want the best for m+ playing btw ^^
Been playing both these builds all season and recently been trying necro DGB w/ Bonesmith, which has been refreshing. It’s a shame the necro leggo doesn’t seem compete with venth/NF.
Always pleasure watching your videos man…keep up the good work!
hey jedith 🙂
would u prefer the painsmith (hc) weapon over, a 252 stone gernerals edge ( haste, verse) ?
Hey would running Momentum with First blood be competitive? Why would you run demonic over momentum in that build?
Alot of writers are portraying CA as being better than it is. Burning wound is the way to go for first blood/ NF. You play the same way as always but just tab a new target whenever you proc demon blades on your current target.
I've been running the NF blade dance korayn build lately super powerful and using trail of ruin in M+ because it doesnt require any fury to keep up and super easy maintain on multiple targets and just feel like it completes the build. After using unbound on the Eye and fel rushing into oblivion will never use again haha 😄. Glaive Tempest is my go to when playing the Venthyr build both are super fun to play.
Started using the Burning wound Legendary what a big difference in DPS
Everything is viable for Havoc I would say. 9.1, necrolord is my favorite. Darkglare boon + Agony gaze will be fun in 9.2.
Hey bro, thanks for all your work. Any thoughts on PVP builds or guides ?
did you mention what legendary you were using in the night fae build? i think i missed it
for 9.2 which 2 best slot should i craft for my havoc legendaries? for m+ and raid.
Yo Jed, could Blind Fury + Insatiable/Burning work for the first build?
I don’t HATE demon blades, but the other talents feel so much better, especially for Mythic+
Thanks for keeping the Havoc fans informed my guy.
Favorite legendary for dungeons?
Not the best one, just your preferred choice.
When it comes to the NF build, Trial of Ruin is summing 200 high for dps for me.
Isn't UBC mandatory with NF+9.2 as the leg reset its CD through the proc of Immolation Aura ?
And if someone wants to jump into PVP necro is an excellent option!
Always love your videos, they're very down to earth and easy to understand. I'm switching to NF until 9.2 and really appreciated this quick guide!
so do you prefer NF over venthyr for 9.2?
I dont play wow, is it to late to start? demon hunter seems fun
Ngl playing Venth with other leggo in m plus and have similiar Overall … VEnth better on high tyra week even with everburn but NF better for Foortified weeks
What’s is the best legendary with agny gaze?
Burning wound or collective anguish or darkglare boon