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Includes guide on how to Taunt-Reflect Bosses!
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Added English subtitles
Spell Reflect video:
got a copyright claim on the first song so sounds a bit weird first few minutes in.–7l_Y
Intervene macro:
#showtooltip Intervene
/cast [@targettarget] Intervene
00:00 – intro
00:25 – Heaving Retch
00:33 – Intervene combo
00:44 – Intervene Macro
01:06 – HoA 3rd Boss
02:00 – Curse
02:24 – Rite
02:32 – Self Cleanse
02:44 – Praetor
03:01 – SoA Stomp
03:22 – Weapon swap
03:43 – Bleed intervene
04:07 – Tanks love you
04:14 – Severing Slice
04:28 – Two reflects
05:09 – SD Balls
05:20 – Bladestorm
05:28 – BS Fox
05:39 – BS Plaguefall
05:48 – Halls Circle
06:00 – Exile
06:18 – 9.1.5
06:27 – Tormented
06:40 – Sever
06:52 – Dancing
07:19 – Wicked Rush
07:31 – Parry intervene Fury
07:40 – Halp
08:09 – Reaping Scythe ToP
10:03 – Outro
Haven't streamed last few days cause I was working on this, I'll be back tomorrow !
Man, this is pure art. like an IV rio drip
Bro you’re god! Love your vids man keep it up!!
song name on first part?
on HoA the miniboss prelast boss final, if u are on premade, u can easy reflec to and cant take dmg, u wait the mob cast him skill( cant kick) and taunt her use bolt, its 25-35k dmg!
On teatre big mob cast storm , u can reflec to and its pretty secure to
Tiny dancing shoes allows you to stand in the npc bladestorm in Hakkar wing of DoS, it's beautiful
any chance u can make a video of rotation and stuff using signet/kyrian please?
There's so much stuff on the screen bro
When you have a chance are you going to be doing updated guides?
Is there a crit cap, or do I need to stack as much of it as I can? Sitting at 33% crit.
Hello! Is there any way to tell if a spell is targeting me? Sometimes it is hard to notice it under the mobs health bars, especially if its not targeted by me.
Thank you so much Biz, youre the greatest Warrior. Varyan Wrynn and Varok Saurfang would be so proud of you!
You're fcking great man !!! You made me want to play war again after 5 years. AND MAN IT'S PUMPING (7.5k overall ilvl 217)
What if you intervene tank during the cast with spell reflect up and then tank cancels intervene after scythe goes off?
Ok. I'll save it to watch later in 0.5 speed. There is so much things and you talk fast! Amazing video. Thanks!
Hey Biz, thanks for your videos, for me as a Warrior prodigy and lover well appriciate to learn something more! 🙂
the new rogue but 95%warriors are braindead sad
Chad warrior
Loved the video!
idk if u showed previous video but in dos you can shattering throw blood barrier and reflect corrupted blood 😀
8:41 or just play prot warrior in ToP and reflect without any taunting. Prot warrior is op in ToP.