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Their sending you death threats because you are playing with their money
At what point does blizzard have to intervene. Like it's very clear they dont take the botting problem seriously. They are not actively trying to stop the botting problem. They trim them down occasionally, but when the average player can see over double digit bots in a single session of gameplay. its very clear blizzard does not give a single fuck.
But if blizzard is inactive and madskillz genuinely died from that, that's a fucking pr nightmare. Clearly blizzard as a company condones what hes doing to some degree. They actively ban griefers that are caught on streams, and he has an entire semi-popular youtube channel dedicated to griefing and he's not banned. So blizzard obviously agrees with what he's doing, while simultaneously being inactive themselves.
Annoying that blizzard are so greedy and not wanting to have active gm’s to take care of these degenerate bots and ban them since they will loose some money
Twitch chat pretending to be badass lmfao. Yeah sure man.
Ok, so one thing I want to add to this conversation that the boosting community is much larger than you think. A simple google search and a little bit of your time will show you that these bot runners from level 1-60 on classic wow hardcore costs around 600 dollars. So if he killed 3 bots a months, that's 1800 usd and my guess is that he was doing more than 3 bots. lol So this is 100% believable. I could estimate somewhere around 2.5 to 3.5k was being refunded to the customers per month and was causing them bad business. Unfortunately, what he is doing isn't a fix. They will just charge more and have people hand run the account and problem solved. How many time did Playstation get caught having children build the ps5? lol The answer is a lot. There will always be a work around and because of this. Blizzard will turn a blind eye to it. If the parent recognizes the problem and doesn't fix it. Then it's on the parent. They should stand behind this player and take action. Because that is how he enjoys playing the game. If he wants to kill bots. How about Blizzard employs him so he does have job now and they catch all the people who send him death threats. lol Two birds, One stone.
If this is the case Blizzard needs to be taken to federal court and charged with working with criminals that threaten other players lives. Whatever technical fancy term itd be. Blizzard is now extremely guilty and cant be let off the hook for this.
They are probably gonna end up regretting that because if anything this will increase the chances of their bots being killed greatly. What morons.
Gold buyers are just like people who buy drugs. Youre the problem. If theres no market, theres no profit.
3:34 So the boar is on the threat table for X mob, Madskillz brings other mobs into melee range of the boar; this lets the mobs be able to target the boar without any threat (since mobs will automatically melee anyone if they're cc'd and the target is out of range)., he then scatter shots which removes Madskillz as the primary target but allows the boar to melee'd, putting the hunter and pet in target with the mobs. After scatter shotting, you're still on the threat table so then you Feign Death. BUT bots have been able to escape if you FD too early, so Madskillz uses social aggro and threat table redirection to engage the bot then if the hunter FDs and runs, Madskillz is still abe to engage with the mob and do the SS/FD combo again to kill the bot.
Makes me wanna hunt bots
Yes blizzard needs to ban bots and gold farmers.
he legitimately got death threats ….
proceeds to not show any proof what so ever
Uncomfortable, sure? But Bean, if you own a gun, you are always mentally ready. At least you should be mentally ready
and i have found my CALLING . i have no problem with russians coming to my house i dare them too
and now im going to go watch his videos to show me how to kill these bots and do it
They’re messing with his money bag too. What’s the difference from him messing with their money? 🤔
So a gold seller from China,Brazil,India or Russia who barely makes enough money to live will come to his house(assuming his home adress can be found)and kill him?😂
This is 1000% on blizzard, They know these markets exist and profit off it, they should be held accountable for allowing it to continue.
Bot wiping movement should start and go hard
blizz doesnt care wish we could all protest this game and make scrap and start over again
So these super rich and powerful wow farmers will pay a person to go to another country and hope the person does what they pay them to do? Ok I’m sure.
He made the right decision, no game is worth risking your life over
Blizzard paid him off. I'm calling it.
class action lawsuit against blizzard for endangering players lives. They need to require social security to be linked to your account to play on NA. That is the ONLY way this will stop regardless of how you feel about it.
Eyyy nice to see someone covering this! my small ass made vids on it just incase his channel would go away, sadly even blizzard are silencing threads on the official forums on this.
This is going to backfire, now all people will start killing bots on hc servers. (Because now we are pissed for real)