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Hell breaks loose as we try to time our first +10…
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Yo you filthy weiners and welcome back to episode 7 while i totally play it cool cause i know i didnt upload last friday but here we are!
The grind continues as we finally attempted so many +10 keys that surely one of them has to end in a positive way…right?
Enjoy the video and i hope you’re not that mad about the announcement!
Take care and i love you, peace!
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BIG Bargain WA:
M+ Dungeon Weakaura:
M+ Dungeon Weakaura Voiceover Addon:
Asked for Addons:
Narcissus (the character panel)
Doom_CooldownPulse (icons flashing in the middle of the screen)
0:00 Intro
1:40 Big Announcement…sorry!
3:46 Training Arc to end the week
6:16 the FATTEST Vault. noCap, on God!
6:50 Arguably the worst Affix overall
8:03 let the +10 keys command!
13:35 I am ready for more…or am i?
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Hey im new here sorry. I just started getting into mythic+ have been just a classic player havent played retail since legion was out. I dont know why but i just HATE the fact people bounce at the slightest mistake. I just tried a 6 key on my disc priest i know the wipe wasnt something I caused and the tank just dipped. The idea of mythic is SO much fun to me. I dont understand why this community is so shit it seems.
my fav chimp
At least you know about the dispel mechanic and attempt to do it correctly. I had a healer in a 10 dispelling me immediately so I had to rotate defensives the whole fight lol
my man…
it hurts dude.. it hurts
Using a timeline instead of the standard bigwigs bars is huge for me to naturally understand the flow of a fight and what comes next.
I just realized that the hippo is not wearing the headphones on his ears 😮
Good one, dude, again ;)😊
Why soo hard to dispell tank? I use wa and wa literally say me dispel now
Der DuRöhre Inhalt ist überragend!
Nah bro if you go to +10 key and not focused enough to dispel a tank on the FIRST BOSS – you do not deserve to time it.
2:28 so real man. I talked about this exact same thing in my last vid. These past 2 weeks have been absolutely painful to play. First season that I'm genuinely struggling to even hit KSH. Currently doing +10's on my main, 15 runs of which 2 were timed so far this week. I assume it's because many aotc players no longer push anymore and plenty of new people come in past mid-season to grab the rewards since we don't have that much time left, so the player quality is declining.
Glad to know it's not just a me issue 😀
This is the point you should switch to rsham for fun and time 10s in -15ilvl… Its busted as I've experienced the change from dudu to sham heal…
I have a standalone weakaura for EDNA let me know if you want it! It has both voice and and a little animation to go with it.
I'm having a fair share of weird disbands and dungeons going from ez timed to over time with ton of deaths 🙁
Tu dir selber einen Gefallen und kauf dir stinky bright potion für tirna. Vertrau mir! Geiles video wie immer
Liked while the intro Ads were playing
Actually really refreshing to see that it’s not just simple for everyone.
Ha haaa
You really need to use mouseover cast instead of targeting casting as a healer, expecially as a R druid where you are quickly putting many different hots on many people at once when you are preparing for damage. You are kinda shooting youself in the knee. Also Help/Harm macros for stuff like wrath and sunfire go a long way.
Guys, huge tip here, there is a weak aura called "the war within season 1" that speaks to you all the dungeon mechanics
LOL that Evoker, so rude!
hi, can you do one for survival hunter?😂
Tried healing for first time ever and it was ruff. Very fun and a nice change of pace but I didn’t even try +6 till I was 612 on my disc priest. Worried about ruining keys. Then tried resto druid to see what other healers were like and holy shit was I lost. Felt like learning enhance shaman or DF arcane mage for the first time 😂. What did you use to learn the rotation? It kind of makes sense now but I feel like I’m still not timing stuff right for stacking healing and relying on convoke WAYYY to much.
so many people that never play a healer have no idea how hard it is.
congrats on that sacbrood. I finally got myth track sacbrood for my mistweaver on NA's reset today. I know you did a mistweaver 0 to hero in dragonflight but they have some REALLY good talents right now and it's a lot of fun. There's even a meme build you can go where you don't really do healing but if you're just farming 8s for crests you can run it and do around 600 to 800k total dungeon dps
This makes me feel a lot better. This season of M+ basically killed my guild.