I kind of wish the Ironman Challenge could make a comeback, in some ways it could be even tougher than the Hardcore servers and it gives an alternate setting to do a challenge on.
There were even more challenges like the bloodthirsty challenge where you basically couldnt do any quests unless absolutely necessary. Or the pacifist challenge where you werent allowed to harm any creature.
Both under same rules.
What I did was a self-made challenge in retail: The Rexxar challenge.
It basically was like Iron Man, however visiting settlements was strictly forbidden. Only playable as hunter and the first pet you tame is the only pet you tame.
Oh yeah and melee hunter, no mounts etc.
Was really fun. Might be even moreso in classic, didnt try there though.
There was also the Lord of the rings variant, where I think you could keep certain BoE items dependent on your race on top of whatever the first ring you found was, and your race controlled which classes were available. I think only warriors, hunters and rogues were legal? The goal being reach black rock mountain and destroy the ring without dying. I think you also couldn't change the equipment again once you equipped a BoE
It would be awesome to have ironman servers in retail, which entails lowers drops chance of every gear in wow, so everyone suffers and relying on others can help.
I remember that there was an early game bugged item that was white quality but had +2stam and +2agility wich was usually only for greens. It was by far the best item to get =D never got beyond level 45 tho =/
Nah i am serious have you seen a doctor and what your temperature ❤
Is there some way to send you yet to be covered facts, that you might not know?
I kind of wish the Ironman Challenge could make a comeback, in some ways it could be even tougher than the Hardcore servers and it gives an alternate setting to do a challenge on.
There were even more challenges like the bloodthirsty challenge where you basically couldnt do any quests unless absolutely necessary. Or the pacifist challenge where you werent allowed to harm any creature.
Both under same rules.
What I did was a self-made challenge in retail:
The Rexxar challenge.
It basically was like Iron Man, however visiting settlements was strictly forbidden. Only playable as hunter and the first pet you tame is the only pet you tame.
Oh yeah and melee hunter, no mounts etc.
Was really fun. Might be even moreso in classic, didnt try there though.
There was also the Lord of the rings variant, where I think you could keep certain BoE items dependent on your race on top of whatever the first ring you found was, and your race controlled which classes were available. I think only warriors, hunters and rogues were legal? The goal being reach black rock mountain and destroy the ring without dying. I think you also couldn't change the equipment again once you equipped a BoE
Classic ironman hardcore challenge with ONE hand
A couple of my warband resurrected alts were deleted Ironman tries
It would be awesome to have ironman servers in retail, which entails lowers drops chance of every gear in wow, so everyone suffers and relying on others can help.
Get well soon brotha
I remember that there was an early game bugged item that was white quality but had +2stam and +2agility wich was usually only for greens. It was by far the best item to get =D never got beyond level 45 tho =/
Get well soon ❤