Having a grandmother with dementia made that hurt. Literally last christmas my uncle was gonna pick her up and bring her to our place for dinner but her messy brain thought it was tomorrow and was way too stubborn to get dressed and ready because there was no reason to visit us. It is just so strange… She keeps thinking my confirmation was recently when it happened 12 years ago
This yet another quest that broke my heart and made me do the ugly cry. Right up there with Ysera's death, Vol'jin's death, Saurfang's death, Varian's death and Saurfang's sons death. (for the life of me I can't remember his name).
Well,this is all dumb,whole content is just for disabled person's kadgar,erthens,aratoa girl,anduin. This is fucing world of magic,they can resurect,heal,but no,blizzard want more stupid diversity
You sound a lil under the weather again 😢? Hope your well and thank you again for keeping my nightly routine in check 😂
I miss games
Its the one quest that always hurt……
Doing this quest line while also having a grandma who has Alzheimer’s, hurt my soul
Having a grandmother with dementia made that hurt.
Literally last christmas my uncle was gonna pick her up and bring her to our place for dinner but her messy brain thought it was tomorrow and was way too stubborn to get dressed and ready because there was no reason to visit us.
It is just so strange… She keeps thinking my confirmation was recently when it happened 12 years ago
Made me cry. It hits as hard as the Eva Sarkov questline from Vanilla, but in a different way.
Man😢 i remembered that one uncle who ages badly 🙁
The War Within really shines in its side quests, best content I've seen from the expansion.
I did not know this.
Love quests like this.
The feels. My grandmother had dementia so this quest always hurt.
My grandmother had brain cancer… She forgot me slowly… It broke my heart. This quest… hurt. It reminded me of her so much…
This yet another quest that broke my heart and made me do the ugly cry. Right up there with Ysera's death, Vol'jin's death, Saurfang's death, Varian's death and Saurfang's sons death. (for the life of me I can't remember his name).
Best quest line of The War Within so far
4 months ago my grandfather died, in addition to suffering from dementia, he died without remembering us, without knowing who his family was.
We all knew this and people got the reference. Probably one of the saddest quests
Well,this is all dumb,whole content is just for disabled person's kadgar,erthens,aratoa girl,anduin. This is fucing world of magic,they can resurect,heal,but no,blizzard want more stupid diversity