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Jesse sits down to watch the World of Warcraft portion of the Blizzcon 2023 Opening Ceremonies, and has lots of thoughts on the future of the Warcraft Universe and the World Soul Saga.
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#blizzard #blizzcon2023 #worldofwarcraft
00:00 – 01:50 – Introduction
01:51 – 08:13 – The Next 30 Years?
08:14 – 17:36 – Hearthstone
17:37 – 27:45 – Warcraft Rumble
27:46 – 39:38 – World of Warcraft Classic???
39:39 – 46:05 – World of Warcraft’s Future
46:06 – 58:52 – The World Soul Saga
58:53 – 1:04:24 – The War Within Trailer
1:04:24 – 1:12:53 – Wrapping it up
Thanks for watching – I'm not sure if my opinion matters or not, but as a fan since the beginning I figured I'd ramble on this for a bit.
As an old grumpy veteran who was burned by this company too many times. I feel like Jesse. I'm interested. But only because of Metzen, all the other presenters were terrible. His passion for what he's working on now, is the only reason I didn't turn this off. We'll see if one man can make a difference, won't we?
"the last couple expansions didn't matter" comment going right into a cinematic where the actions of shadowlands were critically important… lol
Dragonflight is fantastic except the ending cinematic.
I thought I was over wow but I dissolved into tears when Metzen walked on stage 😀
I noticed ever since xbox took over. They look like they are free and happy once again. I honestly believe Activision held them back with greed
Destiny 2 doin this shit rn too lmao. "Wait guys! don't you wanna see how your multi-year waste of time eeeeends?" you're just gonna turn your back before you see how it ends? Execs tenting fingers and maniacally laughing
Green Jesus is coming to wow again.
i haven't done bg's since they removed it
Metzen comes in like a fan at a sporting event without all of the corporate BS and over-rehearsed speeches.
You talk a lot.
19:55 what? Don't you have a phone?
sry but u just talk too much u miss so much of what ita all about
Poor Aduwin he acts like BFA and Shadowlands was all his fault for being in them.
This man could talk about a paper bag and I'd listen
I love how Landlordy the laughing "Come home to pay a monthly subscription" sounds LOL ly Jesse dont get me wrong haha
Hear , Feel , Listen , Anduin
I'm watching this late but the issues have been. The storyline has been kinda eh. BFA was sorta meh, had some cool/good parts but was meh. BFA content the first 2 seasons were pretty meh but the 2nd two seasons were good & great respectively. The only issue with S4 of BFA was the acquisition of corruption otherwise it was probably the most fun system they have ever done. SL lore/story, content, & systems was just bad. They were all just… terrible. Dragonflight was ok across the board. It was a pretty safe expansion for them. Nothing game changing, nothing revolutionary besides for the talent system, until they introduced Augmentation evoker that had some mixed reception but in general Dragonflight was ok-good things have been trending upward.
Ok I just realized Stephen Amell would be perfect for Anduin.
This feels like a final wrap up and hopefully they will rebuild Azeroth with Unreal engine and new lore.
I was so hyped for Jesse to get back into WoW and then it never happened :')