This was not a bug. This was part of the game mechanics you had to constantly re-enslave it after it would break free it was game mechanics not a bug. I remember these days because I had so much fun with it and I would always get so pissed whenever it would break free.
It was not a bug, even the tooltip says that it's only 5 minutes under the control of the warlock. After five minutes it breaks automatically free
Yeah it wasn’t a bug, it was a feature.
Not a bug
It wasn’t a bug. You had to cast enslave demon to capture it as a pet. And it lasted 1min.
You could get control back with a spell it only lasted 5 min
Lol what the hell
Correction: intended game mechanic + unintended greifing/chaos mechanic
Not a bug. Thats exactly what would happen if it lived long enough
This was so awesome when they did this
Yes I did that:)
Doomguards were better
Great times.
Yeah… unintentionally
Bro what are your analytics for these 30 days. Hope they’re good – curious no face YouTuber
Dude I love the vids. Please keep it up ❤️
Right I "unintentionally" let that happen especially when it came to doomgaurds
Imagine this in hardcore
This was not a bug. This was part of the game mechanics you had to constantly re-enslave it after it would break free it was game mechanics not a bug. I remember these days because I had so much fun with it and I would always get so pissed whenever it would break free.
Unintentionally, MY @$$! I was there! They did it in groups, they would go from the city to the starting areas.
I remember one going nuts in Stormwind one day. Much Hilarity ensued 😊
Hardcore warlock trolls
It was no bug.
Not a bug