High Elves | World of Warcraft | Shadowlands

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Tired of people telling me that I am Void Elf and not a High Elf..

Check the whole article here –


“Since Wrath of the Lich King, the High Elves have been visible and prevalent in force. The Silver Covenant is a demonstrably Alliance faction, and “Quel’dorei” are considered an Alliance race. They were front-and-center in the neutral city of Dalaran, representing the Alliance. They dispatched forces throughout Crystalsong Forest, and were represented in the Argent Tournament.

In Cataclysm, they were demonstrated to dispatches forces yet again to deal with the thread of the Zandalari trolls uplifting the Amani and Gurubashi tribes, in tandem with both Halduron Brightring and his Farstriders and Vol’jin.

In Mists of Pandaria, they returned to a very prominent stage in the story of that expansion. They were the instigating of the Purge of Dalaran. Described as a civil war, very clear lines were drawn with the Quel’dorei and Sin’dorei on their own side of it, staring at one another. This conflict boiled over into Pandaria, where the Sunreavers and Silver Covenant were, once again, maintaining battlements opposing one another.

The point is this: Blizzard has routinely gone out of its way to show that the High Elves are not only distinct from the Blood Elves from an ideological standpoint, but that are still strong enough to be a formidable force of its own, fielding numbers nearly equivalent to the armed forces of Silvermoon’s own. That is the story THEY have been telling.

The desire for High Elves on the Alliance is simple. It is the merely the request for Blizzard to remain consistent with their own lore. The dissatisfaction with Ion Hazzikostas’ perspective on High Elves is also simple– it’s an answer that could only be given if you were not familiar with the lore or their presence between Wrath and Mists of Pandaria.”


3 thoughts on “High Elves | World of Warcraft | Shadowlands”

  1. Quel'thalas might have fallen from the scourge, but it was never the sole home for the High Elves – Dalaran is an elf kingdom as much as it is human

    There were 7 Human Kingdoms, 3 Dwarf Clans, 2 High Elf kingdoms, 1 gnome city

  2. If I may classify Dalaran's citizen per race:

    Founder class : Humans and High Elves

    Second class: Dwarves, Gnomes, and Blood Elves

    Delegate Class: Alliance, Horde, Player Character


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