How Blizz Are Using SoD To Tell Retail's New Story! Xal'atath's Season of Discovery Crossover

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Xal’atath, the future villain of World of Warcraft: The War Within has now appeared in Season of Discovery Phase 1 and 2. Is Blizzard telling a new story leading INTO the World Soul Saga… in Classic? Taliesin looks at all the clues and evidence that The Shadowy Stranger in SoD isn’t just a fun reference, it’s WoW’s most ambitious story-telling technique ever! Evitel rounds up the other news including the new Trading Post rewards for March and uncapped Crests!

Game Hub: How to Craft EPIC Gear In Season of Discovery

► Wowhead Articles:

Is That Xal’atath Again? The Shadowy Figure in Season of Discovery Phase 2

Dragonflight Season 3 Crests Are Now Uncapped – Weekly Cap Gone

March 2024 Trading Post Items – Majestic Azure Peafowl Mount

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22 thoughts on “How Blizz Are Using SoD To Tell Retail's New Story! Xal'atath's Season of Discovery Crossover”

  1. So they are telling an interesting story for wow in a different game… how’s that different from a book ? Sorry but they should just tell this story in retail instead of having players play another game or buying another book

  2. There is a really interesting dagger* from the Klaxxi back in MoP. They tell you (when you're exalted with them) that they worship Y'Shaarj.
    *"Ra'sha's Sacrificial Dagger: Use: A faint whispering can be heard inside of your own head. The dagger bids you to thrust it deep into your heart. Do you dare comply?"

  3. Quick reminder that ahnqiraj wasnt the last raid, and it had qiraji, not nerubians. Although they are related enough to each other and to the old gods, as are the Klaxxi.

  4. I wish I could be as excited while listening to something so bad. Sounds like the writers stopped drinking and switched to crack cocaine instead. Another fan fic story expansion on its way – what a time to unfortunately still be alive. Yay.

  5. Every time they tell an ambitious story, they fail at connecting all the dots, making it engaging, and getting many people invested. I would like to see them tell a clearer, simple, and compelling story (wrath was a good example). Staying optimistic though

  6. Knowing this, it would be nice if SoD stuff wasn't unplayably glitched for me after like clue 2 or whatever it was. What! You say report it to be fixed? Yeah, I did. No help after sevel back and fourths which ended with them telling me to submit a bug report. Not trying to be a crappy person, but I see why the customer service people were the first let go. No use whatsoever.


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