Subtlety Rogue New AoE Finisher Animation Is Amazing- Beta Shadowlands Guide 9.0 – World of Warcraft

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Today blizzard addressed huge feedback that was largely negative towards shadowvault. Shadowvault was a new spell coming in shadowlands that helped the subtlety rogue in AoE spread pressure. That has now been changed to Black Powder

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25 thoughts on “Subtlety Rogue New AoE Finisher Animation Is Amazing- Beta Shadowlands Guide 9.0 – World of Warcraft”

  1. I personally liked the shadow vault animation. Rogues should have all these kind of crazy techniques and jumps like DfA, just make them in a way in which your character isn't snared. Don't know about this one…..mages, priests and Nightbourne elves already have this animation.
    Don't know man, can we pretend that this game hasn't been released for 15 years and that it doesn't have a monthly subscription and that the various ESO and FF14 don't exist?
    and you are copy-paste the same animation for 3 or more spells…..

  2. I just think using something like "black powder" sounds more in tune with the Outlaw fantasy. I'd change the name I guess, but eh… not really a deal breaker, I'll take the clear upgrade over the old Shadow Vault.

  3. They just need to change the main cp generator from backstab and make it sinister strike instead. I feel it fits the sub fantasy a bit better . Give backstab to ssin rogues as like their execute ability and give dispatch to outlaws replacement for swapping sinister strike.

  4. The only complaint I've seen is that it's not very subtle to explode black powder but id rather have a 3rd spec as a rogue even if one of the moves is a little out of place as far as class fantasy goes

  5. Can anyone tell me what the wave of shadow energy is when he opens on the mob at 0:31 ? It seems like it goes off when he uses echoing reprimand but I can't find a conduit, spell, talent, legendary effect or anything like that which details this and I really like it. It happens again at 0:56 but it looks like he uses backstab there so I'm confused.

  6. Yuck… AOE on a Rogue, wtf is this Naruto? Honestly.. I know rogues NEED an AOE but that doesn't mean give it to them, that's like giving Paladins more mobility or a Monk instant healing… things aren't going Unique anymore. So annoying

    Buff all weak points in class attributes and we might as well be playing as faction leaders…

  7. black POWDER… yeah, a ninja using powder… its totally fit the spec fantasy, uh? XD
    and i would love it it was more like a poison bomb or smoke bomb animation, rather than that pew right on the enemies :/

  8. didn’t old shadow vault give the effect if the enemy is under Find Weakness it dealt bonus damage as Shadow tho? And if i’m seeing it right, black powder doesn’t? Am i wrong or is this a damage nerf? cool animation but damage nerf?


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