I have been playing my human paladin since 2007 and I love it, and it was all because the first time I entered elwynn forest it was truly a magical moment
I started as a warrior in 2008, got to 70, and started raiding. Leveled a hunter on any downtime. During WotLK, my wife started playing and raiding on, of course, a warrior. So I swapped to Hunter, so we didn't compete for gear. Mained a hunter since Ulduar came out.
I started as Rogue, but well i played it until lvl 20 but i didnt like it that much so I asked a friend about a few other classes. I came to Druid can do everthing but nothing good welp Druid healer was my main ever since
So he’s been playing one year later than I was I started to play I started out with the warrior, but then I went to Hunter and I’ve been playing my Hunter since 2008.
Love this
NE Hunter was main first class as well, during Classic. There is great fantasy there and the music of the night elves is top notch.
After all these years, I couldn't find my main. It's between shaman or druid, but I can't decide to stick with just one mainly.
I have been playing my human paladin since 2007 and I love it, and it was all because the first time I entered elwynn forest it was truly a magical moment
Play the most overpower and watch ppl cry
I never noticed the bear until you said lol
I saw a dwarf hunter in the opening cinematic and turned around and made one. I was lvl 30 when TBC was released. Still play that toon to this day.
I started as a warrior in 2008, got to 70, and started raiding. Leveled a hunter on any downtime. During WotLK, my wife started playing and raiding on, of course, a warrior. So I swapped to Hunter, so we didn't compete for gear. Mained a hunter since Ulduar came out.
I have a few alts, but warrior has been my main since vanilla. I love how some people are naturally drawn to a class that they play for many years.
My first character was a dwarf hunter because of how cool that dwarf hunter looked in the art for the game.
Shadow priest has been my main since 2007 the void and the old gods have the coolest lore that’s why I play it lol
I started as Rogue, but well i played it until lvl 20 but i didnt like it that much so I asked a friend about a few other classes. I came to Druid can do everthing but nothing good welp Druid healer was my main ever since
I started in TBC and started with my Belf pally and its been the same for me every since.
I liked being an archer in oblivion and ive been a hunter ever since. Started in mid wrath
Started in 2009…wrath noob.
This is my story but I was horde instead
That’s true commitment right there
Orc warrior, well now Maghar warrior since day 1 he will always be my main since vanilla. Then Maghar shaman is 2nd.
Human Pally and Tauren Warrior disc load took ages and my computer and gameplay was just playable lol Good times!
Been gay since 09
So he’s been playing one year later than I was I started to play I started out with the warrior, but then I went to Hunter and I’ve been playing my Hunter since 2008.
I have main'd a ret pally since I started playing near the end of bc.
The bear would inspire me to be a Druid?
Love it. Its so cool when a class sticks. Alts are fun, but there's always that one class we all come back to
Tauren Druid
I love how gorgeous WoW's world is.
Been a hunter main since 2008 myself, started as night elf and then eventually all the hunter races at some point lol