How do you feel about Dragonflight Season 4?

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How do you feel about Dragonflight Season 4? #dragonflight #game #gamer #gamingcommunity #gamingvideos #twitchclips #gaming #warcraft #worldofwarcraft #mmorpg #openworldgames


21 thoughts on “How do you feel about Dragonflight Season 4?”

  1. Fated season is always for funsies. It's short (supposed to be like 3 months) and it's just optional content.

    The alternative is s3 lasting from Nov 2023 to Aug/Sept 2024, which is a much worse situation than having a fated season

  2. I think they should have a season 4 but with a final raid tier set. Doesn't even have to be a huge raid just something to close out. Something bigger than Ruby Sanctum but smaller than a normal end game raid. Then the last few months of the xpac let them do a fated typ deal and we can revisit the raids but they arnt for super endgame gear. Like you want that trinket from a certain raid cause you tho7ght it was cool? Ok now it can be on par with current item lvl from the final raid. But to HAVE to do them all again for end game lvl gear is ridiculous.

  3. Whats the alternative if they cant accelerate timeline on a new expac? Leave us in the same season and hemorage subs?

    The player base forced the game to become something thats financial unsustainable so they have to do something that reuses content. So stop bitching about it.

    Faster to max level because we didnt like to quest, faster to 4pc because we were impatient, didnt want to team up with the same people every week, we can upgrade every single piece with crests, we get up to 9 choices of a free piece of gear each week and even another option to get a socket. High level crafted piece every other week.

    When does it end? Short of just handing us maxxed out, fully geared characters..

  4. You’ll still be vastly more powerful than first several levels of War Within if you don’t do the fourth season…!but they probably add some Fomo items to encourage people to do it.

  5. Not one expansion was bad. Every expansion was amazing. The only reason some didn't make us happy was content drought. The patch cadence is directly proportional to how much people enjoyed each expansion.


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