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Do the new Boomkin changes affect the spec in interesting ways? Will Eclipses create new gameplay or not? And how is Feral doing? Was Blizzard able to make the spec feel better gameplay-wise? These are the questions I hoped to answer in this video!
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Outlaw Rogue 8.3 PvE BFA Guide:
Outlaw Rogue 8.3 PvP BFA Guide:
Assassination Rogue 8.3 PvP BFA Guide:
Feral needs some love pve wise 🙁
So streaking stars and not casting the same ability twice isnt a thing anymore? thank god. I was sick of monk mechanics on my druid.
Finally leaving behind my feral Druid I’ve mained since MoP. I’ve stuck with the spec through ALL the shit changes blizzard made, and now I just can’t take it anymore. Blizzard refuses to make this spec good again, and refuses to make demon hunter less powerful, so why should I play anything except demon hunter if I want a fast paced class?
Tbh feral plays best when Berserk is up. Just either giive feral proper energy regen or reduce the cost of the abilities and subsequently rework Berserk.^^" I really came to love this spec since i returned but it is just to punishing for minor mistakes (in comparision to other classes).
I don't understand why people think bleeds is a nice mechanic in any MMO. You spend most of your time checking timers to make sure you don't drop your DoTs, your skills feels like they have no impact since they work over a long period of time. Classes focused on DoTs also suck at short fights and it skews parsing data. (Yes that DH Eye Beamed everything got a bigger parse than yours because they have flat damage and didn't let your DoTs tic)
Does swipe has uncapped AoE?
Blizzard still don't give a shit about druids it seems… So many expansions they just forget about feral, it feels like to me they would like to cut feral out of druid and only have 3 specs…
Feral is good in shadow lands
Give me back bleed oriented ferals blizzard…T_T
I'm bummed, my favorite spec (feral) is getting completely ignored. a bunch of other specs are getting these huge reworks (WW Monk) but feral is just thrown a couple things and told to like what we get and go sit in a corner and shut up. How has bliz taken one of the coolest classes in the game with the deepest fantasy (Malfurion and Cenarius were there at the beginning of the history of the world) and just shoved them into a back corner?
I feel like there should be a petition or something to fix this spec.
Please don't speak for ferals when you don't even main one. Bleeds have always been a problem, and if they are mainly how they dps creates problems m+ and ramp up. Bleeds should be tertiary damage and a lot of us prefer big bites and big swipes.
We like our swipeybois
Looks still shit. Man this spec could be so dope but they failed it so hard.
"doesn't feel too terrible"
So it feels terrible, but not like "extremely" terrible.. GG
I just started playing retail again (BFA) after not playing for 10 years. (i've played classic for a while)
My question is, why is the spell book so unorganized in BFA?
Boomy is super overrated, terrible for WQ, terrible for M+, so-so for Raiding. Its just that Feral is even more trash in PVE, still pretty good in PVP esp 1v1. Guard is good but most people find it boring. That means, Resto is where most Druids will be. At least Resto is still fun to play and will most likely still be best healer for M+ and also still good for Raiding, hopefully it makes a comeback in PVP.
i think snapshot is dead, even in bfa
I don't like the bloodtalons changes I liked thinking O hey I'm at four combo points I'll use my regrowth and thrash to get a better bleed on this aoe pack of mobs followed by an improved aoe rip or for single target am at four I'll do it refresh my rake and immediately go into ferocious bite if I have enough energy or the opposite I'm at 5 points but only enough energy for a good fero bite so I can use it get that good fero bite and I'll have enough energy to refresh my rake before it falls off the new style seems like a downgrade Gameplay wise and dmg wise
Also they do a big change to balance the spec everyone is happy with and has had a good amount of changes where feral has been abandoned since forever
Dissapointed here. They should allow us to specc between heavy bleed damage build and more direct damage. We also need something to bring to raids/mythics to compete. Crit buff back maybe? Or something similar.
im a feral main and i have to say that i love big Ferocious Bites and smal/medium bleeds.. i think this way around it feels more like a tiger going for the neck.. cats do one fatal blow and its over (in rl)
but i wish they can make something up that we can play both playstyles.. bleed heavy or burst heavy
The issue blizzard had in the past with making feral too bleed focused is real. It makes feral garbage at target swapping, especially with low energy generation. Their damage on targets without enough time to ramp sucks, such as lower health targets. It's always a pick your poison type issue with feral, so the best solution is to balance it out between dot damage and direct damage.
I agree bleed focused fills the fantasy and is more fun, but it also brings alot of other issues, we've been up and down that road many times in past expansions. My favorite time for feral was WoTLK.
Make Eclipses Stance Forms. Give Feral Druid normalized energy regen, like Rogue. Keep the damage focused on Bleeds. Done.
There. I fixed Balance and Feral for you, Blizzard.
i was thinking of coming back to this game but i can see feral is still fucked
Wait, wouldn't smaller bleeds and bigger FBs fix a lot of their current issues?
Give my bug swarm back ><
Feral = Bleed
Those balance changes do not look like fun changes. Maybe I'm spoiled on my mage where there's never a question of when to cast a spell, but that's one reason I like empowerments: I can smash the things that light up in whatever order I like. I never liked the Eclipse mechanic going all the way back to Wrath of the Lich King, but I loved the Malfurion Stormrage ideal of a druid who cast spells to damage opponents. I enjoy it currently, but I may stick to my mage in SL.
This is some busted ass shit. Blizzard really? You are okay with this garbage? First you take away my claws of shirvalah, then you change the way the spec is played, and again. Everytime you change it, it becomes worst. How can you be so good at making things worse? Everyone tells you how to fix it and you purposely ignore them. Keep ruining the game and see where it leads you. There are times when i go to my druid and i want to play it so bad, but then i invision the game play and i just really don't wanna hassle with that crap so i log onto a different class. Really pathetic the lack of attention this class is getting. Resto looks great but boomy and feral look like crap. How is that. Do you have different people in charge of each spec? Fire them! Plz!
if they had a talent opposite of primal wrath that gave your bites aoe damage i think more people would like it, but who knows that might be too OP with its current build.
i don't mind either playstyle i just mind that they can't "hang" as much as other melee classes. sure you can keep up but when pushing high end content it always feels like there's a flat out better option instead of the natural pros/cons between lets say DH or rogue, feral always feels like it can't put itself in a category of contention, makes me sad because its 100% my favorite spec but i've always felt my DH outshine it in every situation
why does blizzard hate feral druid so much??
What do u mean how do they feel? I dont feel anything 😅😂