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World of Warcraft (WoW) is a massively multiplayer online role-playing game (MMORPG) released in 2004 by Blizzard Entertainment. Set in the Warcraft fantasy universe, World of Warcraft takes place within the world of Azeroth, approximately four years after the events of the previous game in the series, Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne. The game was announced in 2001, and was released for the 10th anniversary of the Warcraft franchise on November 23, 2004. Since launch, World of Warcraft has had eight major expansion packs: The Burning Crusade (2007), Wrath of the Lich King, Cataclysm , Mists of Pandaria , Warlords of Draenor , Legion , Battle for Azeroth , and Shadowlands , with a ninth, Dragonflight, currently in development.
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World of warcraft is a game i used to play alot on my brother’s account as a kid. I used to fly around everywhere as a druid and just explore the world
Then i picked the game up again at the beginning of BFA. played it for around 6 months then left
Now i’m really curious to see how is world of warcraft in 2022 and if it’s still a game worth playing!
But baby steps! Today we’re only focusing on the new player/f2p experience that wow has to offer in 2022!
3m50 in " What are those ?" "What this sound ?" ….come on… murlocs are world superstar XD
Looks great, but at this point ship crash and starting at the shore looks like a cheap cliche. Otherwise… I would be hooked by Jaina and her farther problem. Well, I already know this story, but still would be
Wait until you hit shadowland endgame content ….
hahaha run behind a dragon lol everyone in the know knows
I used to enjoy WoW until they ruined it all for me. Glad you are having fun! Enjoy!
Besides time invested idk why people would play this game at this point. It is just not worth it
Glad to see someone enjoy themselves regardless of jaded opinions.
My favorite thing about WoW is that you are not the main character, but the world of Azeroth. Makes the game feel even waster than what it already is.
I've tried several other games but I always come back to WOW. It's like an old friend.
should call this series "under fire" and just try out some games ike that
You should do zero to hero on WoW classic tbc
If you're actually enticed by BFA and Shadowlands I feel sorry that you never got to play WoW prior to that. But more power to you if you enjoy it!
I’m going through the Wow trial, after years of playing ff14. It’s not as bad as I was expecting tbh.
i stoped playing wow because it is to much to pay just for it when there other amazing games and i dont want to waste money when i play another game
Thanks for the nice intro. But I don't think WOW's my dish.
you can farm 170k gold with the lvl 20 free gameplay and buy the 30 days with it?
Saying this game is better then witcher 3 i mean dont get me wrong its WOW but no way that WOW history or world is better then the witcher 3 come on, its not even the best history in mmorpg, and its for sure not better then witcher 3 .
Been playing a level 20 toon whenever i get an inch. but I wont be handing Blizzard any more money for the same content.
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the trial version sucks.its really restricted. you can't use the mailbox you can't whisper to other players you cant use world cant trade you can't have more than 2 gold and you have no bag space.also if you level pass 20 you are locked out of the free trial. FF14 LOTRO and Elder Scrolls online and Guild wars 2 have a better way of getting new players into the game without so many restrictions.
Can someone provide a TLDR? Is it worth to try or not?
WOW is a trash game period, trash graphics, trash combat, trash subscription, hell who will pay 50 dollars every month just to play this trash game?
I enjoyed your video! Just letting you know faction balance is a thing of the past considering servers. This is because of a feature called war mode, you go into your capital city and turn on war mode under your talent tree enabling PvP. Doing this combines all players who enabled this into a local group where ever you go called a layer. If you find your self getting ganked or just aren't in the mood to PvP then you can just disable the feature in any place where rested experience is gained meaning an inn. This is why there are no PvP servers any more and just regular and RP servers. You are currently able to group cross faction through battlenet friends and complete raids and dungeons and soon there will be the ability to group in cross faction guilds. Hope this helps in your future adventures!
That's why I chosen to play Metin2 instead lol
I don't have any regrets
I'm not saying that WoW is bad because of the poor free trial
just played the game for my first time hit the level 20 very very very fun. Though its pricey as hell so i dont know if im gonna sub
Then whz zou are plazing Albion online when you love it so much_
Is the game free or what
Free to play, but your capped at level 20 is a joke. At the very least they should allow updates that would entice more players to keep playing especially those that aren't rich and spending 15 to 20 dollars and such to play and get items in game and so on.