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Classes and Hero Talents just got buffed, and along with that, a number of ‘overpowered’ game systems have been changed. Some say fun police, but it could have been worse.
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Here is an idea: you made something stupid, fine… leave it for 1 f***ng season… let people have it … and change it for next season… stop making 1000000 changes during seasons… you start with a goal and they keep moving the finish line…
Absolute joke …. Did this once lol
About to leave this grindy shit
I used to enjoy delves. I play mostly solo and it provides a good upgrade curve. I haven't played them to the ground but now when I zone into an 8 it's so tiring and painful. Some mobs take so long to kill it often leads to me just leaving and spending my time doing something else I enjoy.
The "buffs" to voidweaver are shit. They need to update the priest class.
But honestly, why does zekvir exist now then? why even go there now?
Why no chapters
Demon hunters Talents: do you want to become the literal god of demons and explode in a fiery rage every time you activate an ability? Or do you want to throw a purple glaive sometimes?
To nerf BM hunters is absurd, we bring absolutely nothing to a raid except good dps and now we dont even do that…
Bellular.. the nerfs done to BM hunters are absolutely not offset by the ”buff” to AoE..
We lost 20% straight ST DPS and it is supposed to be offset by a 4% buff to an already meme AoE? Come on dude…
TY blizzard for giving all the try hards even more reason to not bring hunters…
Anyone who complains about not being able to spam Zekvir to fill the GV can fuck right off imo.
Not to mention the timewalking scaling changes. It feels awful if you're under level 70. I leveled an arms warrior from 30-50 strictly in timewalking so far and you quite literally do no damage. If you dont have a level 70-80 in the run with you you are absolute struggling to kill anything. Extremely common bLizzard L
i swear to god, blizz looks at what classes are OP af, and simply buffs them. they're already way too OP, if anything, nerf them. priests being absolutely unkillable and mages being a monk on steroids, and you decide to buff both their damage? what the fuck.
Bellular. Please stop being a narc.
No the Timewalking nerf is not fair. Just because some hoarders have to many tokens the rest of us get next to nothing now and we wont be able to buy stuff if you are a new player. The event is becoming useless now.
Oh please, there is no "integrity" to gearing up warcraft.
Blizzard's current loot system is so ass backwards they keep making bandaid fixes to it every chance they get, but never seem to admit they need to restructure it and go back to something that worked.
Seriously, just go back to the Wrath of the Lich King gearing system. Have hardlocked item levels for tiers of content, have a vendors to purchase gear from if you gather enough of the resource… It's not a bad thing to make gearing fun and intuitive that allows for planning.
Let people reach their maximum item level for the content they do and just <be done> and be able to do something else.
"poeple will get quickly demoted doing Regular delves.. THE FUCKING MAKE THEM INTERRESTING!"
Minor Correction, San’layn is buffed for Blood death knights not for Unholy death knights
I love the delves I don’t mind them changing the repeat zekvir bonus but they should leave the rest how they are… most people including myself love it and come back every week and I’m doing heroic raiding and don’t care that getting one peice of heroic gear a week from doing 8 tier 8 delves is a thing it’s a grind and I like the way it works
As a long term Main of a holy preist i`m still hopefull everytime I watch these videos that blizzard will finally buff angelic feathers to a usefull movement speed increase to reflect the amount of movement thats needed in modern wow. It never happens lol.
Come on. Buff Devastation Evoker. We r being forgotten for god’s sake
I'm not a fan of those nerfs to Timewalking. To me, it's annoying because a lot of the rewards that mattered have always been tradeable account-wide (notably the rep tokens). So, while only recently has the currency been made account-wide, the main grind rewards for people who are deeper into it have been account-wide for a long time.
I think it's a pretty unnecessary nerf, because the Warband system didn't actually change things very much for people who were deep into farming it. And, not to mention, mounts/toys/pets/etc are account-wide as well. So the nerf is very unnecessary.
But, for me personally? I'm much more concerned and frustrated that they're changing Timewalking to scale up to your level, rather than you scale down to it. That means that any old gear will become useless, most notably cool items like legendary weapons or maybe a BiS Timewalking speedrun set. That will be one of the most unnecessary changes they make to an older system that absolutely nobody has wanted or asked for. The badge changes are one thing, but taking away gear options for something that's effectively a fun mode is going to suck most of the fun out of it for people who engage with it more.
Thank all the sweaty try hards
Timestamps pls
Hunter BM is as of now just bad, I have ilvl 619 and I only do about 500k even though I’m doing the right rotation…. I really hate other. Classes since they are overpowered but hunters still gets punished 😤
All they needed to do was make it to where Zek'vir only gave progress once. People abusing it were just an outlier.
Elrond: "Do you really think you're ready to confront Sauron…? I fear your iLevel isn't quite – "
Aragorn: "Maybe next week. Or the week after? Maybe?"
BM is gutted (especially if you dont have PI) and one of its hero trees (pack leader) is completely useless outside of solo-content.
Yeahhhhh ok Blizz
This easy? I blow through a t8 delve on my DH tank with a 29 lvl Brann. I get my ass handed to me by Zek Vir. because I didn’t negate some mechanic like a dot he puts on you. I tried him a good dozen times since the supposed nerf. Bro he isn’t falling over dead on his own claws. Stop gassing people.
So, it's the same game again. This is why players left and aren't coming back
Blizzard honestly sucks lol the timewalking change is just ridiculous