How Hard Are Tier 11 Delves? | World of Warcraft | The War Within

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World of Warcraft – The War Within is launching soon! I’ve been away from the game for quite awhile and am excited to get back into it. There is new challenging, solo-able world content in the form of Delves. I will be exploring this new content on my Protection Warrior in the beta and once the game goes live.

#worldofwarcraft #thewarwithin #protectionwarrior #delve #beta


5 thoughts on “How Hard Are Tier 11 Delves? | World of Warcraft | The War Within”

  1. Looks interesting, can't wait to see how far i can get solo. U did a good job, take ur time and be methodical. I'm sure being a prot tank helped with incoming damage…. i imagine hybrid dps that can heal will prob do okay also… I wonder if healers could do it as healer spec, if they got lower dps it might take longer but still possible. Tho it makes me think if there are dps checks or "kill X tower" fast or something.

  2. pretty sure its do able with your ilvl or lower as DH. War has less utility- stun, hard cc, sustainable leech, but its fine tho once you up the ilvl then its ezpz. Its like your expecting to build something without any tools. Or bake a cake without an oven.


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