How Secondary Stats Work In Shadowlands After The Huge Changes [You NEED to know this!]

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#shadowlandschanges #worldofwarcraft #theorycrafting

Howdy partners. Today I’m running you through the secondary stat changes in Shadowlands and how they work!

A guide to diminishing returns on stats!

00:00 – Intro
00:29 – Changes to Secondary Stats
04:28 – Outro

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2 thoughts on “How Secondary Stats Work In Shadowlands After The Huge Changes [You NEED to know this!]”

  1. Love the video man. Exactly what I was looking for. I have a question tho. Might sound dumb but are these diminishing returns only for secondary stats from *gear*? Or will the haste gained from my Troll racial suffer from diminishing returns as well? Or another example, will bloodlust suffer from diminishing returns or will I always get the full 30% haste no matter what? Thanks man!

  2. honestly this may be an attempt by blizzard to fix the difference between people who optimize their gear and people who don't but i think this will actually make it worse. because now you'll be required to sim for the best pieces instead of just looking for your best stats. as to the pvp thing, i think they need to stop messing with PVE to fix PVP and vice versa.


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