How to become a Billionaire in World of Warcraft? WoW Gold Making Shadowlands

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In this video, I’ll explain what are in my opinion the most important things to keep in mind when making gold through the Auction House.

00:00 – Intro
01:05 – 1) Diversifying the items you’re selling on the AH
06:26 – 2) Diversifying the realms where you’re making gold on
09:18 – 3) Staying Consistent and not losing your focus


8 thoughts on “How to become a Billionaire in World of Warcraft? WoW Gold Making Shadowlands”

  1. Hi, great video!
    How would you recommend starting legendary crafting?
    I have 400k total gold on all my characters, so I'm wondering if I can actually make profit by crafting leggos or nah
    I have LW at 100 on my rogue, and am just now finishing the campaign questline to get Vestige of Origins.. is that a good way to do it?
    Thanks a lot! 🙂

  2. Hey, about the second topic, do you craft legendaries on your main realm and transfer to other realms? Do you think it's better to transfer to a low pop so you don't have competition? thanks for the great video as always

  3. Good video, well played. Am on a few realms in US. Only did Korthia on main. Did crafting on alts but didn't train to rank up legendaries. I could do the catchup for upgrading brynador's might etc. I do and don't want to resub. At about 2.5 mil, usually blow 1.2 mil a season. Am alt capped, lots of 60s, 1-2 accounts. Start of the expansion was best for me on AH and into 9.1 on scribe. Legion was great for alchemy and legendaries crafting (more simple than now) with alts. Pet sales have been down since around 9.1. BFA also was great for alchemy with procs. I do have the 200/230 boes unlocked. Am a bit risk adverse, usually like to mix making raw gold with AH gold. Character transfer sales are a great time to move alts/gold.


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