Read more about Shadowlands ➜
0:00 – Intro
1:03 – Defensive Stance
2:10 – Offensive Cooldowns
4:31 – The Power Of Execute
5:28 – Shattering Throw
6:17 – Disarm & Intervene
7:59 – Spell Reflection
8:33 – Overwatch
9:53 – Die By The Sword
10:38 – Warrior Legendaries
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How about how to counter WW monks? They are far bigger problem than Arms warrior
Oi, I'm doing well on Arms warrior, STOP TELLING PEOPLE HOW TO COUNTER ME!!
How to counter mage…run!!!
Do prot pally
Love these guides more please! Just don’t do fire mage hahahha
cant wait for "how to counter OP shit convoke boomkin" but i guess it will come out after the nerf 😀
So the best counter to an arms warrior overall, is another arms warrrior.
What is the addon showing powerful spells/CC on the right side of the nameplate?
I'm levelling Arms specifically for PvP. Can confirm that none of this works… Heh
Would be better if you started on how counter ww monk…
As a warrior that frequently has to survive those pesky fire mage/balance druid instant kill burst…I no longer like this channel…
Na kidding :).
Uh-oh, Bajheera, they are on to you!
Plz make a how to counter resto shaman
Are all of the class oriented/arena guides on your website up to date for shadowlands? For example the balance druid arena guides?
How to counter warri: cc or kite them… Wow I would have never thought of that… Lmao
How to counter a warrior: Play a warrior
What a great, informative video. Signed up on the site and can't wait for more.
Spoiler: play any class
I'm watching this so I can counter your counter. 5 head move.
Arms is so OP it’s actually disgusting. Imagine losing as arms lol.
you forget to say that in die by the sword you can still attack the warrior from behind and negate the effect as a melee
Bottom line, there is not a whole lot you can do against arms.. unless you are arms
Im waiting when they release video how to counter dk i bet will be 1 min video and they will say just kill it they are crap cos of lazy devs #Blissard
Mage next
Why a warrior? Seriously, guys. For the first time in some time, arms became a really strong and good class in pvp. Why not monks, mages… It feels like the author just likes to play in the usual RMP setup and got hit in the face by Arms. That's all I wanted to say
Q: How to counter Arms warrior?
A: With another Arms warrior
prolly wont see a druid counter video cuz its hard to make 10min+ video from "stop the convoke"
Only Chuck Norris can counter an Arms Warrior.
Silly fools. There is no counter to arms warrior. We counter all.
I still don't know how to fight warrior as a rogue. Warrior has disarm but sub rogue doesn't, which is huge disadvantage. And evasion is not very effective against overpower.
4:31 is why i run deadly calm next 4 spells cost no rage 😂 i have plenty of rage but 1 less cc break
Please do the world a favor and release WW monk and sub rogue counter guides ASAP.
Guess what healer have a disarm talent… LOL
How to Counter Arm Warrior (fast Guide)
/afk and hope next game is no Warrior
Worth noting you can life grip an ally out of spear of bastion
It's not warriors it's the player.
Warrior ist fine! Nerv Druid, shadow Fire.
Best counter is Nerf
now i know to bait the AMS >:D
a melee spec that has literally everything with the only counter is being another arms warrior gj blizzurd no need to nerf lul
cry long enough on forums for nerf like with sub rogue, best counter
delete this
so a warrior walked into a bar…
Warriors are just broken plain and simple
Wtb 2.2k 3s carry, in gold.
Discovered this channel a few days ago. Quicky went from unrakned to 1800 and i am aiming for duelist with my unholy dk thanks to these helpful videos. Thank you and keep up the great work 🙂