How To Counter Arms Warriors | Shadowlands 9.0 Guide

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0:00 – Intro
1:03 – Defensive Stance
2:10 – Offensive Cooldowns
4:31 – The Power Of Execute
5:28 – Shattering Throw
6:17 – Disarm & Intervene
7:59 – Spell Reflection
8:33 – Overwatch
9:53 – Die By The Sword
10:38 – Warrior Legendaries

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46 thoughts on “How To Counter Arms Warriors | Shadowlands 9.0 Guide”

  1. Why a warrior? Seriously, guys. For the first time in some time, arms became a really strong and good class in pvp. Why not monks, mages… It feels like the author just likes to play in the usual RMP setup and got hit in the face by Arms. That's all I wanted to say

  2. I still don't know how to fight warrior as a rogue. Warrior has disarm but sub rogue doesn't, which is huge disadvantage. And evasion is not very effective against overpower.

  3. Discovered this channel a few days ago. Quicky went from unrakned to 1800 and i am aiming for duelist with my unholy dk thanks to these helpful videos. Thank you and keep up the great work 🙂


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