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0:00 – Intro
0:44 – Combustion
2:56 – Meteor And Phoenix Flames
3:37 – Alter Time
4:24 – Dragon’s Breath And Shimmer
6:09 – Cauterize
6:44 – Ice Block
7:11 – Fire Mage Covenants
9:02 – Fire Mage Legendaries
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I was here first! =P
Nooooooo 🙁
/afk thats how
great video :DD
hahahaha what a troll video
In short, pray to the PvP god that they play bad.
5:07 "sheep on his healer" prot pally kek
Sure now I see this after I rage quit for today.
1 dislike is fron Xaryu
"Arguably the best caster spec in the game", not much of an argument when your last video had 4/5 teams in the S tier w/ a fire mage lol
Need some "counter druid guide" ^_^
Wait, so alter time doesn't automatically trigger if it wears off without mage using it again?
I am a Spriest so I just spam purge on it 24/7. I don't play mage but I'm sure this is annoying lol
"Iceblock 5 min cd" and then instantly showing the tooltip with a 4 min cd.. xD
you can't – the end
How many ridiculous skills does the mage have?
Hunter can pet sac when mage pops combustion making the mage not crit and then they can't throw out instant pyros. It has only 1min CD as well. I guess this was left out since hunter is not really a meta class atm tho 🙁