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rip frog farm
@Dalaran Gaming It's NERFERD now u got mabey half ;/
Bro got Anu'relos :(:
It´s Fixed now =(
Already nerfed…
on the topic of frog farming:
the 60k bronze is probably with the lesser charms in mind, for those that dont know the lesser charms of good fortune that drop from the frogs and basically all pandaria enemies can be turned in to (almost) every pandaria faction to increase their reputation, however you also get one of the undetermined gems and one of the bronze chests that contains loot and bronze, both the gems and the loot can be scrapped for bronze so thats probably how they arived at the 60k bronze per hour number
already nerfd :<
Was nerfed
Frogs are nerfed!
nerfed already. before fixing any of the other issues.
The frog farm DIED 40 minutes ago: no more Lesser Charms of Good Fortune. R.I.P.
Not many ways to farm, frogs – boring, raids – imposisble takes ages
Frogs are fixed now, they don’t drop coins anymore
Not that it matters because the frogs have been basically ruined, but every monk speck can use the ox statue
You also missed the majority of the rewards from the frog farm…. Almost all of the cloak threads and bronze you get is from turning in the lesser charms to one of the reputations for timeless boxes. Every 10 charm is one box and a random prismatic gem
Hand lesser into rep vender it gives you a quest box with bronze, gear gems upgrade for cloak and it also gives you a random chip box cost 10 lesser good fortune but I spent 3 hours at frogs and after handing in etc I have 40000 stam+ most stats are 3000-5000 I'm sitting on an evoker lvl 70 with close to 2m hp that+ ward= broken game
Frog Farm was fixed basically before this video released…
after getting my elegon mount and the gold astral, im kinda lost atm. now im just lvling my new alt just to have fun
Frog farm is nerfed check wowhead
Frogs got nerfed don't bother
the bronze grind sucks, raids are a gear check and dbm check and pugging is
frog farm was never 60k per hour. Just for your information.
frogs nerfed already
frogfarm got nerft edit the video 😛
Frog farm nerfed. Thanks to videos like this. Thanks.
nerfed frog farming 🙁
Is there a way to change the stats on your cloak? I have around 80 stamina and everything else is around 10 each.
13 hours of frog farm made a shadow priest strong enough to solo normal dungeons. Had 6 million hp and can do 140million dps.
blizzard patched the frog farm for all coins. ull get 10x less than what you did
bit late to the party they nerfed it right after you released the video
Frog Farming is Dead, Updated
Why it’s parched when many people already abused it? How tf the rest are supposed to catch up to them
50k just isn't true… I'm at 65 and I got 14k so no he is wrong…
Four by four groups? Do you mean 4 man groups? Four by four? as in 16? What is a four by four group.
Also cloak stats aren't account bound
Keep the gem you can upgrade them to legendary
if only someone found a way to make this video shorter, that would help.
RiP frog farm
Since got most of the toys and mounts already farming for gear first and after that for mounts and mogs 😀 hoping they would reduce the cost of upgrading gear now that they nerfed frog farm
RIP Frog Farm.. They shouldn't have disabled it; now people who did it have such an advantage..
I wonder what the Bronze/hr is on frogs post-nerf.