How To Heal Mythic Sunking as Resto Druid – Wow Shadowlands

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Mythic Sun King’s Salvation Resto Druid guide, to help you stop wiping to hps checks. World of Warcraft Shadowlands.

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34 thoughts on “How To Heal Mythic Sunking as Resto Druid – Wow Shadowlands”

  1. One final thing, because I didn't give it enough importance – You MUST Make sure that you get your Soul of the Forest + Nature's Swiftness Regrowth INSIDE Guardian's Spirit window. So if you have only one priest and he's using Guardian Spirit at the start, you have to do the SoTF + NS Almost instantly after popping your cd once convoke ends.
    If anything is unclear or need help, ask in replies to this comment.

  2. Hi, really nice and informative video. I want to ask, would you recommend using Verdant Infusion legendary even if its 190ilvl? And also isn't Nourish talent better and spam that instead of regrowth?

  3. I got to ask, what addons/WA are you using here? There's so much useful information (such as when the Shaman used totems, timeline).

    And as others have mentioned, the Nourish strategy with Verdant Infusion, is it worth it?

  4. What is it about feral affinity that saves you so much mana? Also, would you not take boomkin affinity for typhoon, to deal with the phoenixes? My guild is progressing on this boss and I'm the healer that they're kind of tossing in the trash – sometimes they want me to convoke for dmg on the shield, etc so I really want to prove that I can burst as much as the shamans and paladins.

  5. I noticed in your recent logs on Sunking you fit in 2 ticks of Tranq (assuming for mastery). In your opener now do you do:

    Efflo, sotf rejuve, lifebloom, 2 ticks of tranq, ironbark + flourish + quantum trinket, convoke, swiftmend, ns (in guardian spirit window) then regrowth spam?

  6. Thank you for this video! My first time at Sunking mythic last night (and ~20 pulls to practice my opener) the difference your technique made was fantastic- just swapping to Niya, VI and mastery food had me keeping up with the Shammie 4ilvls higher and getting Power Infusion, clearly way ahead of other healers.

    One thing for those debating Feral Affinity vs Balance Affinity – if your raid lacks knockbacks/grips (we don't have any DKs) you may have to stay Balance Affinity for typhooning the phoenixes, if your strat calls for it. The only change really for me was having to use a mana potion rather than an INT one to keep going, but I can see how much better Feral Affinity would be if your raid can forego your extra knock-back, definitely recommend Feral if you have a choice.


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