How To Keybind For Healers In PvP | World of Warcraft

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In this video I cover my keybinds for pvp as a healer.

#wowpvp #dragonflight #Guide

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Intro (0:00)
Party Members (0:37)
Enemy Players (3:32)
Keybind Placement (5:41)
Outro (8:33)


22 thoughts on “How To Keybind For Healers In PvP | World of Warcraft”

  1. Baker I've used scroll wheel up for target party 1 and scroll down for party 2 for a really long time, strafe with A & D and use S to target self, but I would like to try your way. How do you make the keys on naga go from regular 1234 etc to F keys?

  2. if you don't have a naga , try using m4/m5 for strafe and use mouse only for movement and bind f1 f2 f3 for party targeting f4 f5 f6 for enemy that opens up the rest of the keyboard "qwertasdfgzxcvb" for available binds

  3. Thanks for the vid! Do you happen to know if theres a way to reorganize party frames so you're always the top frame with party member 1 below you and 2 below him? That's what I'm used to and having the order constantly shuffled around in Solo queue messes with me sometimes.

  4. Very indepth and comprehensive guide, keep up the good work!! Now a odd question, how do you go about not alt-f4ing by mistake on the naga when f4 is keybinded? Just muscle memory not to try holding alt near the f4 key? 😛

  5. Sounds dodgy to use the F keys though… shift F4 is fine, but what if you accidentally do a alt F4? I have my razer naga set so the side buttons correspond to the numpad on the keyboard. Feels safer

  6. hey i am wondering if as someone who likes to heal pve and pvp, it seems like mouseover is best for pve and battlegrounds, and keybinding is best for arena. Would you just switch your actions bars out everytime or what is the best way to do this? Thanks


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