Pointless Top 10: Murlocs in World of Warcraft

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Murlocs in World of Warcraft | Pointless Top 10
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23 thoughts on “Pointless Top 10: Murlocs in World of Warcraft”

  1. murloc are among the native species of azeroth, alongside the yaungol(tauren) and the trolls. Glad they finaly got their own video ^^ they became warcraft mascot afterall, even non warcraft player somehow know what a murloc is XD

  2. I think my favorite three murlocs are the one trying to train to be a hunter at the Lodge, the poor abandoned plushie murlocs in Suramar left behind by the elven kids, and then the store stuffie called Mrrrrggle that you can buy that's a exact plush replica. It's sitting in our closet beside Whomper. When I first saw the discarded murloc I admit I cried. WoW has some sad mini story lines.

  3. Unfortunately, I was having a beverage as I started this video, and as soon as "Number 10" happened, the beverage was no longer in my mouth, and I had to pause to start cleaning.

  4. I remember starting my wow adventure around 2014/2015 when hearthstone came out, I loved the idea of this card game and decided to give WoW a go, actually one of the first legendaries I've seen was Old Murk Eye in HS and seeing him in Westfall was just an experience I tell you that.


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