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Murlocs in World of Warcraft | Pointless Top 10
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Nice episode, I give it Mrlgglglrrlr / 10
You missed the best murloc, the demon hunter murloc.
murloc are among the native species of azeroth, alongside the yaungol(tauren) and the trolls. Glad they finaly got their own video ^^ they became warcraft mascot afterall, even non warcraft player somehow know what a murloc is XD
Crendor can we get a follow up of this where you list the top 10 pointless Murloc counterparts to lore characters?
THE LONG AWAITED! Mglrmglmglmgl!
I think my favorite three murlocs are the one trying to train to be a hunter at the Lodge, the poor abandoned plushie murlocs in Suramar left behind by the elven kids, and then the store stuffie called Mrrrrggle that you can buy that's a exact plush replica. It's sitting in our closet beside Whomper. When I first saw the discarded murloc I admit I cried. WoW has some sad mini story lines.
I think a huge group of murlocks was missed. There is a quest that has all the characters replaced with murlocks, and you have to right the time stream there, I believe. It was hilarious.
D.E.H.T.A is pronounced dee-ta, it's a parody of PETA…
Hey ever thought of doing pointless top 10 most viewed videos of pointless top 10?
Im watching this now
No jinyu? 😢
Thank you
Aren't there murghouls in the ghost lands too?
What about the separate timeline filled with NPCs that are murlocs? Like Sylvanas, Anduin, and others. That was funny! Azmerloth or something or other in Dragonflight.
Unfortunately, I was having a beverage as I started this video, and as soon as "Number 10" happened, the beverage was no longer in my mouth, and I had to pause to start cleaning.
I remember starting my wow adventure around 2014/2015 when hearthstone came out, I loved the idea of this card game and decided to give WoW a go, actually one of the first legendaries I've seen was Old Murk Eye in HS and seeing him in Westfall was just an experience I tell you that.
My favorite murlocks are the felfin in legion.
I Lub you crendor!
please bro, buy a new mic, your content is amazing but the frequent noise in your voice is a bit annoying
What about Deathwingurlugull?!
When are we going to get "Pointless Top 10: Pointless Top 10 videos"? 😂
Anyone remember the Murloc RPG flash game?