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#Shadowlands #Worldofwarcraft #Guide #renown #covenant
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Today we look at the renown system, its flaws and how we can gain reknown fast. We cover how to change back to a covenant, how to move covenant and what are the fastest methods to gain reknown.
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I really like how you just don't care how to pronounce words!
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Hope this clears up some questions you guys have and gives you guys some kinda of expectations on how changing covenant actually plays out
With 8 chars now at 60, I've never seen the weekly anima quests from oribos giving renown
when rejoining a old covenant, you keep all your old progress. so the "starting at lvl1" thingy is not correct
Dude any thoughts on why you think Blizzard is totally ignoring Sub? Do they think it doesnt exist? I mean its fine if its a pure single target spec but shouldnt we smash single target seeing as we suck at everything else?
Spicy video
it feels like the renown drops are based on your current story progress. I know I had 2 renown callings that disappeared (not the calling but the renown reward) when I hit the next chapter of my covenant story.
It literally takes weeks to fully catch up after switching covenants, if you only do daily callings, covenant campaign, and world boss. If you want to get it faster, you have to do PvP or dungeons to get more. Good video, I'll be switching some alts for the next patch, too!
LFG (heroics) seemed to be faster more consistant than m+ when i swapped covenants
Who else is super bored with wow atm and waiting for 9.1