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The Legion expansion introduced some of the coolest and most unique weapon appearances in World of Warcraft, with the class- and spec-dependent Artifact Weapons. Each weapon has 24 different appearances, and it can be a little difficult to keep track of them all and how to get them. To help with that, my guide series offers a simple and easy overview of each Artifact appearance, its skins and how to obtain them in Shadowlands.
Part 12 will offer a guide to the Druid Artifact Weapons: Claws of Ursoc (Guardian), Fangs of Ashamane (Feral), G’Hanir, the Mother Tree (Restoration) and Scythe of Elune (Balance).
Thank you all for helping me get to the end of this series. It feels great and I’m so thankful for your support the entire way.
Please feel free to leave questions or requests for other videos in the comment section below. Enjoy the video ^^
Stream schedule (YouTube)
Monday: 3 pm. – 5 pm
Wednesday: 3 pm. – 5 pm.
Saturday: 11 am. – 1 pm.
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0:00 Intro
1:48 Guardian: Claws of Ursoc
4:49 Stonepaw
5:38 Avatar of Ursol
6:29 Fallen to Nightmare
7:06 Might of the Grizzlemaw
8:08 Guardian of the Glade (Hidden Artifact)
8:59 Feral: Fangs of Ashamane
10:43 Nature’s Fury
11:04 Primal Stalker
12:00 Incarnation of Nightmare
12:25 Ghost of the Pridemother
13:11 Moonspirit (Hidden Artifact)
15:45 Restoration: G’Hanir, the Mother Tree
17:40 Eldertree
18:01 Crystalline Awakening
18:47 Deadwood Keeper
19:18 Night’s Vigilance
20:12 Warden’s Crown (Hidden Artifact)
21:17 Balance: Scythe of Elune
22:57 Envoy of Goldrinn
23:25 Lunarcall
24:17 Nightmare’s Affliction
24:44 Manascythe
25:23 Sunkeeper’s Reach (Hidden Artifact)
26:55 And. That. Is. A. Wrap.
– List of wowhead links –
Guardian Druid Artifact Weapon: Claws of Ursoc:
Claws of Ursoc:
Mark of the Glade Guardian:
Feral Druid Artifact Weapon: Fangs of Ashamane:
Fangs of Ashamane:
Feather of the Moonspirit:
Restoration Druid Artifact Weapon: G’Hanir, the Mother Tree:
G’Hanir, the Mother Tree:,_the_Mother_Tree
Acorn of the Endless:
Balance Druid Artifact Weapon: Scythe of Elune:
Scythe of Elune:
The Sunbloom:
Balance of Power:
What do you think is the worst mage tower appearance though? To me it’s gotta be fire mage. Especially when you compare it to the hidden one
Does this still work in shadowlands? I only started playing late in BFA
Where can i Find The First quest ?
Wow. I startet playing wow a month ago and startet with druid. After reaching end lvl with 3 classes I decided to farm some transmog sets. Seeing the Astral warden transmog set for druid i fell in love with it and saw the manascythe would fit perfectly with the purple and bright light. Doing the quests I came to a point where i couldn't go further because of the mage tower. Found your video and now i am devastated. I cannot describe how bad I am feeling right now. It's just unfair to not heave a feature where new players have a chance to go for old challanges and items. Still i want to thank you very much for the clarification, great video.
1.why i cant go to the dreamgrove?
2.where can i find the first quest and what name of the mission?
Very good video!
For the Avatar of Ursol one I have my kul'tiran druid get it but can I do the mythic 15 on my Night elf druid and do I still get the credit for that one?
I got keystone master in season 2 shadowlands recently on my guardian druid but I don't have the purple bear form unlocked. Do I need to do balance of power to unlock the green bear form first?
I don t uderstand if the might of grizzlemaw is still obtainable or not ????
i have a question: can you still aquire the standard animal appearences from the artifact weapons for druids in 9.1? or is it too late?
Which one of these is the easiest to get?
Fallen to Nightmare honor grind is where I'm at.
Hi, do i have to kill ursoc with the artifact weapon for the skin or can i do it with the guardian spec and a random weapon?
Hallo, i cant find the balance of power quest for my druid. doo u have an idea what i have to doo befor i can collect the quest?
This is great thank you! Any idea how I could have unlocked the secret appearance for all of my forms but, only have the base color for one of them (cat)? Like, I have the 200 world quests coloring for all of them but, that’s the only color I have for 3 of them… it doesn’t make sense. It’s like it just skipped over the base color.
So who do I talk to about getting my might of the grizzle maw back I came back at the end of back and It was gone
thank u so much girl everything i search u show up. thanks so much. love you. im also a streamer
I have a few clarifying questions regarding the Avatar of Ursol appearances:
– Do I have to complete the Unleashed Monstrosities achievement on my druid or can it be done on any character? (same question as well for This Side Up, since you mentioned it's account wide).
-For the mythic appearance, do I have to complete a 15s as a tank, or can I do it in another spec and still get the bear form in Shadowlands 9.1
Thank you so very much for this in-depth guide! It's helped me so much already <3
Looks like they are bringing back Mage Tower with Legion Timewalking in 9.1.5
Rejoice 🙂
It’s possibile can obtain ghostcat form now?
Though the magic tower is unavaible???
Hello i got a quest (reach honor the nightfallen , seed of hope) but my nightfallen in reputation alredy was friendly (not honor) so, how i can do this quest ?
It's so sad that the Mage Tower appearances are no longer available… especially as druids:( Couldn't they bring them back for Legion timewalking?? 😩There's the new werebear form but why leave the cats out:(
Are you serious I was going to make a Druid just for the might of the grizzlemaw skin and it’s unobtainable … that’s serious @ss
I wish I could meet someone who has your voice! It’s soo soothing.