HOW TO OBTAIN: BOUND SHADEHOUND – New Maw Mount 9.0.5 Shadowlands (Secret Puzzle Mount)

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An in depth guide with coords and explanation to where and how to get the new maw mount: Bound Shadehound. It is a secret puzzle mount added in 9.0.5, and is usable in the maw. So if you haven’t yet acquired a mount usable in the maw, this might peak your interest.

**To buy the stygia dowser, which is required in this puzzle you need to be Appreciative(Exalted) with Ve’nari**

Coords used in the Video:

Grappling hook to get to chest puzzle – /way 23.0 68.4
Puzzle Chest location – /way 24.0 75.5

First page – /way 24.6 12.6
Second page – /way 27.2 72.3
Third page – /way 48.8 84.7

Rare mob that drops Soulforger tools – /way 35.8 41.8

Soul forge grapple – /way 23.0 68.4
Soul forge itself – /way 20.2 67.0

Binding Altar – /way 45.1 83.3

0:00 – Intro
0:28 – Stygia dowser & animated levitating chain
0:51 – Stygia Nexus explained
1:38 – Chest puzzle location
2:10 – Chest puzzle explained
3:22 – Partial rune Codex
3:38 – First page
3:56 – Second page
4:07 – Third page
4:20 – Add pages to codex
4:42 – Soulforger Tools
4:57 – Stray soul
5:47 – Farming sliver and dust
6:15 – Soulforge anvil
7:09 – Binding Altar
7:32 – Taming the shadehound
8:04 – Outro


32 thoughts on “HOW TO OBTAIN: BOUND SHADEHOUND – New Maw Mount 9.0.5 Shadowlands (Secret Puzzle Mount)”

  1. great video..only thing i would have included in the beginning is letting people know they need to be Appreciative(Exalted)….not a lot of people will look in the description right away and will be getting frustrated trying to find it

  2. farming the dust and slivers was the hardest part. They are single-user items, so if there are a lot of other players in the zone, those stygia nexus spawns are hard to come by. That part took me probably 8-10 hours

  3. Finally got it last week, pain in the ass but well worth it if you don't want to go trudging around Torghast for hours and hours of frustration. I'm on a very full server so it felt like every player was after the slivers and dust. At some point you just know where they are and do the rounds, took me about a week, 1-2 hours a day.

  4. Guess this might have changed a bit since the video was made; To get to the 1st page, "Rune Codex Page: Binding" (as described in this video, you can do the pages in what order you like) you don't need the teleporter to go anywhere. Just go from Ven'ari to the altar at 28/13 and it will be lying there right in front of you. Might be a rare boss standing in front of the altar which you have to kill unless you have a pet to hold him while you pick up the page.

  5. I started the quest line and now stopped due the continuous grinding and stygia loss. The stygia dust/silver drops are virtually nonexistence and 12 hours of grinding I only have 20 of 200 required. The stygia dust/silver drops are also first come first serve and will disappear if someone beats you to it. The Another absolute waste of time. Wait for 9.1 patch to drop


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