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On 26/27 August 2019 Classic World of Warcraft released worldwide to huge success. It was a long time in the making, but Blizzard finally committing to this project has proven to create something that is far more than just nostalgia.
Today I go over the full story of Classic and ALL its versions so far up to where we are today, and then go over some thoughts for the future.
This is Classic WoW – 5 Years Later | World of Warcraft
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I still remember watching your first few video's. How much your channel and way of working has grown! So impressive.
Even though I don't have the time anymore nowadays to play WoW, I still watch almost every video you upload. It's like a warm weighted blanket after a long day at work. Through this content I have been able to (almost) experience that golden time, playing WoW while attending high school, again.
Thanks for five years of hard work and I hope you'll keep on making great content in the future!
Always loved your vids wille. One of the most coherent wow channels on youtube
I think Cata would be the best stopping point for following the normal WOW footsteps. This is the point there they can start to add different kinds of events and zones in the world. This is the step where they could change the Deathwing fight and might lead into a completely different Warcraft lore.
I would love fresh servers
i dont play classic but i like watching your videos because theyre both entertaining and keeps me updated on whats going on in classic. hope to see more from you in the future and you should try guild wars 2 some time if your looking to branch out.
As someone who never leveled horde 1-60 in classic, I’ve been having such a good time leveling on deviate delight on an undead priest. I’ve been taking it slow. I joined about a month into the movement and though it’s greatly slowed down, I’m currently level 35, doing all the zone quests on horde side, a lot of which I’ve never done even though I mained horde in WOTLK – Retail. I’ve been leveling all 5 professions as I go, exploring zones in more detail instead of taking the fastest routes, etc and it’s the most fun I’ve had in vanilla / WOW all together in SO long.
They need to give us a TBC server
I've known you since the early days of Classic and while I don't play WoW at all anymore, I believe there are many like us that will always keep an eye out for any kind of Classic+ announcement. As official hardcore servers have shown, there is just something about the kind of community the original WoW world encourages and is able to retain past the hype of launches.
On a side note, congratulations on your journey! Your conclusion was heartwarming, I wish you success for the years to come ! (also ye should have advertised your LoL channel more maybe <: )
Classic Plus hype!
People are still on Era. I suggest Deviate Delight if you wanna roll a new character!
If they do some sort of interesting classic thing, i might come back for it. TWW doesnt interest me, sod doesn't interest me, classic era doesn't either. I'm playing other games until i see something that truly captures me
I’m curious is there a big folder where wow creators get clipped content or are they out here leveling / gearing all these characters to cut and piece these videos together?
You say SOM was "too soon" .. to whom? I played on SOM and it was great. I played a little too much HC and failed on it. Which I think was the issue. having hc and non hc players on the same server really hurt the grouping experience. We need fresh servers, whether it's era, tbc ( hope never ), or wotlk, every 6-8 months. It lets you get the fresh leveling experience and geared up enough to have fun. with poe people get bored in a week but still has huge fresh launches and the people that dont' get bored play for the whole time. people can clear all content in wow in a week too. we have only so much life left and so many fresh launches left in our short lives. don't wait 2 fing years between fresh launches. IMO each expansion should have been a fresh launch from 2004.
But now with classic they can add events into each season. NOT LIKE SOD trash but something like poe does.
11:35 bruh. yeah, you and npcs. I straight up deleted my main account and stopped playing on bnet for a while until hc and then did the same when they ruined hcssf. not everyone's an npc or blizz shill like you
can we just skip to legion? I don't want to be in a retirement home before we get to the good stuff
Great videos, great 5 years Wille! Thanks for the amazing content. Please continue.
Kind of funny how it goes full circle. Your video pokes a little fun at J Allen for saying who wants to replay the old game, then you say the exact same thing around the 7:00 mark….
"magical and unrepeatable moment" this is why launches are such a big deal. Nothing else captures that specific experience than a launch. And is why Blizzard is such an asshole for paywalling TWW launch night.
Classic crowd is too fragmented severs feel empty specially while lvling.
Are you going to cover brighter shores (Andrew Gewyers new OSRS inspired mmo)? Would love to get your opinion on it when it launches in November
They should allow modding. That would create a TON of community content.
Perhaps when WOW first came out, the playerbase was fairly well defined at the time… I.e. gamers that enjoyed fantasy and role playing games etc…
But… Thanks to WOW's HUGE success, that playerbase grew and evolved over a number of years to the point that the playerbase became almost as diverse as Humanity Itself!
Ergo… I am GLAD that we all now get to play different versions of the game that personally suits us best! I.e. I myself am pretty Old Skool! And I prefer to play challenging games! I also did a lot of table-top RPGs back in the day… Like MERP (Middle Earth Role Playing), Role Master and Advanced Dungeons and Dragons… So Classic is my flavour, since it still has solid RPG elements… And Hardcore mode in particular, since this presents a worthy challenge… With the fact that you only have ONE life!
So yeah… It can be argued that, if it wasn't for Classic, I think WOW would be far more diminished to the point of extinction! And because it has been so popular, it will be interesting to see where Blizzard takes this next! Because there's obviously a market for tough, challenging RPG games… As well as their more casual "arcade" style equivalents.
1) should've been some changes (e.g. remove debuff/buff caps, TBC attunements are account-wide or rep-grinds accelerated with every 70 on account, etc.
2) should've stopped after WotLK with "era" or fixed servers for vanilla, TBC, and WotLK
3) should be working on SoM/D/seasonal to test for an eventual Classic+ based upon the best of the original trilogy +new content that fits into the "Classic" world
i liked classic right up until they started pushing for endgame. i liked the slow leveling, each one felt like an accomplishment. all the mid level instances are great. i was never interested in endgame and raiding, it never seemed fun, more like work. i want to adventure with a small group of friends
Good video thanks for the information. It was nice to see how much has changed in the last couple of years.
Nostalrius was special.
This week 9 years ago, i hit rank 14 on my rogue there. It was the best time ive ever had in a game and i miss it.
Congrats! 🎉
You know, the idea of WoW classic was lost on me once the moved it into the WotLK era. From this point onward, WoW was so streamlined that there was no more motivation for me to continue in Classic. Imo they should have frozem WoW classic in its BC state before the WotLK launch patch. I rerally enjoyed to finally play the rather difficult and clumsy vanilla WoW once again, and also the whole BC era – but with WotLK the game became, well, casual, and at this point you could also return to the regular game.