How to Optimally Swap Covenant in Shadowlands! Best Renown Grind, Transfer Anima and Getting Ahead!

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With 9.1 PTR releasing this week and (most likely) an increase in Covenant swaps, I wanted to cover the optimal way to grind Renown and answer the big questions on swapping!

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Intro: 0:00
How to Swap: 1:59
Anima, Buildings, Followers and What Stays: 3:54
Optimal Renown Path/Grind: 9:31
Rejoining Old Covenant Trick: 15:48
Patreon, Summary and Outro: 17:57


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Night Fae Warlock Overview:
1-Minute Darkglare:
9.0 Affliction Guide:
9.0 Destruction Guide:
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44 thoughts on “How to Optimally Swap Covenant in Shadowlands! Best Renown Grind, Transfer Anima and Getting Ahead!”

  1. is there any info whether or not XP tokens in your bag disappear when you switch covenants ? so you can ie. leverage low level in new covenant, collect 10 tokens worth 2k XP each, switch back to your old one and boost one of your 50+ lvl followers ?

  2. I hope they can make warlocks minions more ability animation on the patch 9.1 the void walker ability animation is the same animation as succubus Can you convey it to the BLIZZARD for me Kalamazi

  3. Hi Kalamazi! I am from Belarus, maybe you heard, now we have a restless time here. I want to thank you for all your videos (I always watch in the first couple of hours of release), because I play the warlock from the end of Pandaria and your videos are the best content for warlocks ever. Unfortunately, I play Destro only, was with Kyrians before this weekend and went with you to the Necrolords.

    My guild hates me for not playing affliction, they humiliate destro. No matter how many times I try, playing through DoT is not my thing at all.

    Good luck in all your endeavors, thanks for supporting the Destro community, and for your regular videos! I'm with you!

  4. Is Necrolords by any chance looking to be good for all Warlock specs? I really hate the fact that Night Fae is so good for so many! Being a bony Undead Warlock living in Ardenweald with Anime Moths, Avatar Stags and Fairy Fauns is killing me!

  5. Other than anything PVP, which I don't know at all, everything you said I have done and checks out. At least in late February when I did it. You do have to prove your worth, fill that bar and turn it in to get the 2nd fill up a bar when switching back. Another Youtuber said you could get and hold both but you do not get the 2nd fill up quest until you turn in the 1st one prior to reset (when switching back). I've maxed Kyrian, Night Fae and now decided to do Necrolord since I'm bored. Thanks for all the info in every video you make!

  6. When I switched from Venthyr to Necrolord i literally gained 0 renown via (rated) pvp and i did like 40ish 3v3. And while gearing my druid I only gained one renown with pvp. So unless you really like pvp I think it is not worth your time farming renown. Stick to dungeons and raids/LFR

  7. My guildies that have been swapping cov have experienced that once you're done with the cov campaign the drop rate for renown from M+ increases by a decent bit. I assume you already did that but it did not function the same way for you, but I thought I'd mention it.

  8. Honestly, this is too much work for someone with a job and life outside of wow. Between raids and grinding 10 M+ dungeons every week i just don't have the time to run around doing quests and grinding renown all over again between raids. While i really wanna switch, but i cba. This system is just idiotic!

  9. i still cant get over how fucking dumb this hole thing is lore wise. We are here (alive ppl) helping them, the judge is suposed to asign soul to covenants. It should not concerne us and they find the balls to lose turst in us when we want to go help an other region of the shadowlands ?

  10. Nice video as always @Kalamazi, one question, do the calling-quests also swap – lets say if I have all three calling quests open in my nightfae covenant and I swap to necro, do I have all three calling quests open there as well?

  11. So if u want one specific covenant for mythic + and one for arena is too hard swapping all time for them right? I mean doesnt worth the time u need to take back the faith with ur covenant and need to be done all time the quests?

  12. damn this is some good news to beable to hoard the anima items to deposit later at another covenant. I read some older forum posts about that where people stated they lost their items in the bank/bags when they switched and i was like oh nooooo..

  13. I made a mistake while swapping back to my old NF covenant, because I didnt turn in the first part of the quest "Prove your worth" before reset. If you turn in the first quest after reset then Lady Moonberry tells you to come back next reset and you are stuck on your current covenant for the week. So just make sure to complete and turn in the quest one day before reset, then go back to her after reset, fill the bar again and be happy to be back in your old cov.

  14. wait so when i have 40 renown on my necro warlock than i go to nighfae grind 40 renown and go back to necrolord i still have that 40 renown ? so i dont need to grind necro renown again ?


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