How to Optimise Mission Tables in Shadowlands | Mission Table Guide

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How to Optimise Mission Tables in Shadowlands | Mission Table Guide

Mission Table Addon: Venture Plan

In this video we talk about how you can make Gold in world of warcraft Shadowlands 9.1. The best way to make gold in WOW Shadowlands 9.1 is to use the mission table, level up your adventure level and get the maximum rewards you can possibly get. Doing this will get you a lot of gold in WOW 9.1. I love to make gold in world of warcraft using the Mission Table and the covenants.

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9 thoughts on “How to Optimise Mission Tables in Shadowlands | Mission Table Guide”

  1. Feedback!
    It was brought to my attention that for some reason Mission Table Experience is NOT shared. This means that instead of sending my followers out of on different missions we could send them all on the EXP mission and each follower will be rewarded with the full (Same amount Experience). This means its far more efficient to send all your Companions on the same EXPERIENCE mission if that's all you have available.
    As always I try to keep this channel positive, always pushing to be my best for you guys thats what Gaming Heroes are about, I happily accept feedback as long as it's not hostile. Any comments that don't fall within what I am trying to create here as a community will be removed or user hidden (banned) depending on how far they fall out of my community guidelines. If you want your feedback to be taken on board always try to see it from their perspective, it helps to remain humble. Good luck on your mission tables!

  2. that addon telling you which followers are using in equating the median level for your troops is sooooooooo useful. that alone makes the addon worth using, and I am downloading it right now after seeing that. thank you, Erosium! Super useful info. And the video itself was concise, direct, without bloat. super lean =D cheers bro!

  3. oh man… you were supposed too be the chosen one! the one too teach us evrything! and you didnt even send 5 followers on the same exp missions? :p thats why i told you on your last video too have a core of 5 followers too level up!

    Anyhow big BIG news for missions tables in 9.1.5 if you have a level 80 renown covenant and you get that on your alts you will start with 12 followers on the table as soon as you get the table! 9 from renown and 3 from the covenant campaign! so start levling and start planning !

  4. Howdy! I've never paid attention to that icon, but never ever!!! I thought that I just have to level up my companions and that was it… Hence, this explains why I struggle with some missions hehehe. Thank you!!!

  5. I was going to mention that all companions get the XP not shared among them but obviously, someone was a lot quicker than me 😊
    I've never looked at that little information tab and usually send all the low levels on the high XP missions where possible.
    I'm assuming if you boost those 3 or 5 (Mine shows 5) the companions affecting troop level changes?
    I guess I'll find out soon. Very nice info mate 👍
    edit: ps. I still don't agree with your statement that Night Fae is way better than Venthyr for this – maybe early on, I can't remember,
    but I have 2 main toons I do this on, 1 in each camp, at the same campaign level and the rewards seem similar.
    The soul garden or whatever it's called is the only big difference I see.


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